- 【农】continuous variable

Droplet velocity and energy characteristics of continuously variable spray based on pulse width modulation
Bayes classification approaches with continuous attributes
Continuous variable representation of Elliott su ( 3 ) model
A new continuous variable representation ot the Elliott SU ( 3 ) model is given .
Thanks for allowance stress and displacement of the underframe , continuous structural optimization is made on it by means of the optimization functions of I-DEAS .
Markov jump systems as a special class of hybrid systems with interacting discrete event systems and continuous time dynamic systems are introduced for the strong engineering background .
Objective : To discuss the best functional form for a given continuous covariate to explain its effect on survival in Cox model .
Conclusion The ROC regression model can be effectively applied to the ROC analysis of continuous measurements in diagnostic tests .
Initially , PLC control system is applied to discrete variable control . With the needs of development and practical engineering applications , PLC control system also be used for continuous variable control .
The relation between the EPR pairs for continuous variables and discrete variables is created using the measurement theory of quantum mechanics .
The Research on Form in Fock Space and Preparation by Superconducting Devices of Continuous Variable Entanglement
Since most of the research which demonstrate the Bell inequality was wrong use the dissociation variable quantum state . Here we use continuous variable quantum state to do our research .
Two models of four-state discrete modulation coherent state continuous variable quantum key distribution are analyzed in theory . They are prepare-and-measure model and Entanglement-based model .
CART was structured by two parts , classification tree and regression tree . Classification tree used nominal variable as outcome , and regression tree used continuous variable as outcome .
The hybrid features of highway simulation system is analyzed with Multi-Agent simulation framework . It is found that the disperse ( events ) and continuous variables can be described by hybrid Petri net .
The two methods measuring Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen ( EPR ) correlation of continuous variables , the balanced homodyne detection and the direct measurement for Bell-state are analytically discussed .
We proposed a scheme of continuous variable quantum key distribution without signal modulation using EPR correlation directly and experimentally proved the feasibility of the scheme . 4 .
By means of the slope method and the method of continuous variations , the composition of the extracted species is deduced to be C_6H_5OH · DOAA .
In this way , the c ( c ≥ 2 ) classification problem is taken as c two-class problems , and c class rules are expressed by c particle swarms , and classfication rules with the continuous variable space is finished by the PSO algorithm .
An universal TABU search algorithm for the optimization of functions with continuous variables is proposed in this paper based on the thorough study of the TABU search method so far used .
Reconciliation is an essential and important process in the continuous variable QKD system , whose purpose is to extract the security key sequence from a set of related data between Alice and Bob .
The advantages and potentials of the continuous variable QKD have attracted extensive attentions from researchers and both the theory and experiment have made great breakthroughs recently .
To experimentally demonstrate the entanglement swapping of continuous variables , we should firstly generate two electron paramagnetic resonance ( EPR ) entangled states with classical coherence and without any correlation of quantum fluctuation .
Quantum computing usually quantum bits , Lloyd and Braunstein proposed using a continuous variable ( CVs ) . Universal quantum computation requires only a limited set of CV gate .
A kind of second order nonlinear damped difference equation with continuous variable is studied . By using the iterated integral and generalized Riccati transformations , some oscillatory criteria for the equation are given .
The algorithm makes full use of the feature that OFDM resource allocation problem is a mixed optimization problem , using evolutionary algorithm to optimize discrete variables and using KKT conditions to optimize continuous variables .
The experimental demonstration of quantum teleportation for continuous variables using the squeezed-state entanglement generated by a type II phase matching optical parametric amplifier ( OPA ) is reported .
A new method for modeling hybrid systems is proposed . It models the continuous variable dynamic system with the extended linear continuous petri nets and discrete event dynamic system with discrete petri nets .
In chapter two , by using the iterated integral and generalized Riccati transformations , oscillatory criteria for second order nonlinear damped difference equations with continuous variable are discussed and an example was given to validate the results .
The integer variables and continuous variables of upper-layer unit commitment without network security constrains were solved by Benders decomposition method . The sub-layer model was solved by interior point method .