
  • 网络connectivity;Connected;Connectedness
  1. 食品香味物质分子连结性指数与其理化性质的相关性

    On Correlativity between molecular connectivity and physico chemical character for the aromatic matter in foods

  2. 草地是面积最大、连结性和完整性最好的景观组分;

    The grassland had the biggest area and its connectivity and integrality were the best .

  3. 这种新制的PLGA具有孔隙率高、连结性好的特点,有利于神经营养因子的进入,与神经营养因子发挥协同作用,能够更好地促进脊髓损伤的修复。

    This manufactured PLGA was characterized as high porosity and good interconnection , thus easy for the neurotrophins entering .

  4. 研究了MV代数的区间拓扑和序拓扑及MV代数下的拓扑紧性、连结性、完备性和全序性。

    This paper researched the interval topology and order topology of MV algebra as well as the tightness , connectedness , completeness and the total-orderness of MV algebra .

  5. 梵语和英语的词源的连结性是如此地惊人。

    The etymological closeness of the Sanskrit and English words is striking .

  6. 保证内部和外部设计的连结性。

    Ensure the consistency of the external and internal designs .

  7. 表皮主要由细胞构成;真皮主要由连结性纤维组织、骨胶原及弹性纤维构成。

    Constituted mainly by cells in the epidermis , dermis mainly composed of fibrous connective tissue , bone collagen and elastic fibers .

  8. 结果表明,在颈缩开始前的早期变形中,试样内部即已开始了微孔萌生、长大和连结等连续性丧失的过程。

    The results indicate that the continuity loss such as void initiation , growth and coalescence begins in the early stage of deformation before necking .

  9. 这个反馈环包括3个连结:负性事件容易引起反事实思维,反事实思维引起行为意向,而行为意向引起相应行为。

    This process consists of three steps : a problem activates counterfactual thinking , counterfactual thinking activates a behavioral intention , and the behavioral intention evokes the corresponding behavior .

  10. 统一企业将以每个省设立一个食品厂为目标,并以各厂为中心设立分厂,以点连结成全面性的网络,覆盖整个大陆市场。

    Uni-President will aim at establishing a food factory in every province and a sub-plant around every factory in order to link every base of operation and form a complete network for the entire China .

  11. 以前的研究已经表明第一次连结,即负性事件引起反事实思维。

    Prior research has documented the first link , such that negative outcomes activate counterfactual thinking .

  12. 虽然两者均以非晶质相为主,并具有相似的近程结构模型,但在非晶质相中近邻八面体的连结方式和近邻四面体的连结有序性方面仍存在较大差异。

    Although these two minerals are mainly composed of non crystalline phase and have the similar short range structure models , they still have the differences in the linkage form of adjacent octahedrals [ AlO 6 ] and in the linkage ordering of adjacent tetrahedrals [ MO 4 ] .