
lián jiē diǎn
  • connect point;junction;kernel
  1. 意粉连接点在亚特兰大从I-85旅行南部一定。

    Spaghetti Junction in Atlanta from I-85 traveling south bound .

  2. 结论PNCT及AP的测定可以评价COPD急性加重期膈肌疲劳,其中AP是检测膈肌的收缩疲劳,而PNCT则是检测神经肌肉连接点的传递疲劳。

    Conclusion The measuration of PNCT and AP can evaluate muscular fatigue of diaphragm in acute exacerbation with COPD , the AP is for examining muscular fatigue of contraction , while the PNCT is for examining transferring fatigue of neuromuscular junction .

  3. 他们已找到另外那个扬声器的连接点了。

    They 've found out where the other speaker plugs in .

  4. 基于连接点的3D多角弧匹配

    Matching 3D Polygonal Arcs Based on Junctions

  5. Beforeadvice:在连接点之前调用的通知。

    Before advice : Advice invoked before the joinpoint .

  6. Afteradvice:在连接点之后调用的通知,无论结果是什么。

    After advice : Advice invoked after the joinpoint , regardless of the outcome .

  7. 不要损坏内部部件。b柱连接点,外侧使用车身锯在区域中切断b柱的顶部。

    Do not damage internal components.b-pillar connection point , outercut through top of B-pillar in area using the body saw .

  8. 一个连接点(joinpoint)是程序执行中一个精确执行点,比如类中的一个方法。

    A join point is a precise point of execution in a program , such as a method found in a class .

  9. COM中连接点及其在OPC数据采集中的应用

    The Connection Point in COM and Its Application in OPC Data Acquisition

  10. 记住,注解应该在连接点处描述什么是“true”(条件)&在这些points处什么不应该发生(动作)。

    Keep in mind that Annotations should describe what is true at the join point ( condition ) - not what should happen at those points ( action ) .

  11. 化合物1是一个新颖的三维孔道结构网络,如果把Ni原子看作一个四连接点,该化合物显示非互穿的金刚石拓扑结构。

    The structure can be described as a covalently bonded non-interpenetrating diamond-like network , if the Ni atoms are regarded as four-connecting nodes .

  12. 在下一节中,我将快速地回顾AOP的连接点模型(joinpointmodel)的基本内容,然后说明是如何用元数据增强它。

    In the next section I 'll quickly review the basics of AOP 's join point model , then explain where it could be beneficially fortified with metadata .

  13. 每台设备的连接点上都将配置CTI。

    CTI will deliver on every equipment the connecting points .

  14. 假定您对网络拓扑有一定的了解,并且能够识别所有网络流量流经的上游连接点(upstreamconnectionpoint)。

    A certain amount of familiarity with network topologies is assumed , as well as the ability to identify the upstream connection point all network traffic flows through .

  15. 在SpringAOP(所有版本)的案例中,唯一支持的连接点是公有方法的执行。

    In the case of Spring AOP ( all versions ), the only joinpoint supported is the execution of a public method .

  16. AOP系统及它们的连接点模型可以通过使用元数据注释扩展。

    AOP systems and their join point models can be augmented by consuming metadata annotations .

  17. 要实现取决于注释类型和属性的通知(advice),系统可以包括那些捕获与连接点相关联的注释实例的切入点语法。

    To implement advice dependent on both annotation type and properties , the system could include pointcut syntax capturing the annotation instances associated with the join points .

  18. 对于一个有利的AOP方法来说,用于单独一个关注的多个连接点必须存在。

    For an AOP approach to be advantageous , multiple join points for a single concern must exist .

  19. AspectJ提供了反射访问和传统的连接点上下文。

    AspectJ offers both reflective access and the traditional join point context .

  20. 一个切入点(pointcut)本质上一个用于捕捉连接点的结构。

    A pointcut is in essence a construct to capture join points .

  21. 风电潮流的波动会引起并网系统公共连接点(PCC)电压的波动。

    Reactive power variation of integration wind farm may cause point of common coupling ( PCC ) voltage fluctuation .

  22. 支持消费注释的AOP系统使您可以基于与程序元素相关联的注释选择连接点。

    An AOP system that supports consuming annotations will let you select join points based on annotations associated with program elements .

  23. 建立了包括有源电力滤波器(APF)在内的公共连接点(PCC)的数学模型;

    The mathematical models of the point of common coupling ( PCC ) comprising Active Power Filter ( APF ) are established .

  24. 这里很好的一点是可以不需要加入比RMI基础设施所需要的更多的协作就可以捕获连接点。

    The beauty here is being able to capture join points without additional collaboration beyond that required by the RMI infrastructure .

  25. 下一步,我将快速地回顾AOP的连接点模型的基本内容,并说明它从元数据增强中可以获得哪些好处。

    Next , I 'll quickly review the basics of AOP 's join point model and explain where it would benefit from metadata fortification .

  26. 在AOP中,我们需要从外向内来看,并确定在可能的连接点上每个方面的效果。

    With AOP , we need to look from the outside in , and determine the effects of each aspect on every possible join point .

  27. 初看之下,使用AOP构造提供注释、然后使用这些注释捕获连接点似乎是不必要的、多余的。

    At first glance , supplying annotations using an AOP construct , and then using those annotations to capture join points seems unnecessary and convoluted .

  28. 布兰斯菲尔德说,少数WEP连接点是默认威瑞森公司光纤路由器出厂设置的。

    he says that several of the WEP connections were Verizon FiOSrouters left with their default settings unchanged .

  29. 由这连接点指针返回这个外接口的IID。

    Returns the IID of the outgoing interface managed by this connection point .

  30. 部署了一个战术性的解决方案,从而向现有RDc连接点公开了一个服务接口。

    A tactical solution was deployed that exposed a service interface to an existing RDc hub .