
wéi jìn pǐn
  • contraband goods;prohibited articles/products
  1. 警察从他的旅行包里搜出了违禁品。

    The police have discovered out some contraband goods in his traveling bag .

  2. 非生活必需品,由监狱代为保管或者征得罪犯同意退回其家属,违禁品予以没收。

    The non-daily necessities shall be taken care of by the prison for the criminal or with the agreement of the criminal be returned to his or her families , and contraband goods shall be confiscated .

  3. 警察搜了她的身,但未发现她携带任何违禁品。

    The police searched her but she was clean .

  4. 警察在他的公文包里发现了违禁品。

    Police found an illegal substance in his briefcase .

  5. 他会把任何德国佬从囚犯手中没收的违禁品偷偷给我。

    He 'll slip me anything Jerry confiscates from the prisoners .

  6. 能量色散X射线散射实验平台研制及其在违禁品检测中的应用研究

    Development of energy dispersive X-ray scatter experimental platform for the application of detecting contraband

  7. 基于CBS的违禁品目标凸现

    Emergence of The Contraband Object Based on The Compton Back-scattering

  8. X射线装置已被证实具有揭示物质的分子或原子特性的能力,这种特性对于探测违禁品是相当重要的。

    X-ray devices have demonstrated the ability to characterize a material at the molecular and atomic leveL This ability is particularly important for detecting illicit materials .

  9. 尽管X射线探测方法作为一种自动探测违禁品的有效手段已经开始商业化,然而大多数技术还不是很成熟。

    As X-ray detection methods which have increasingly been as an effective means for automatic detection of illicit materials now commercially available , most of these technologies are not yet mature .

  10. 本文在分析基于CBS的人身安检图像基础上,提出了基于数学形态学膨胀累加、双阈值分割的违禁品分割算法。

    On the basis of the analysis of image in the Body Searching System based on the CBS , the paper brings forward segmentation arithmetic of the contraband object based on Mathematical Morphology and double threshold values .

  11. 那我不得不把你当违禁品偷运。

    I 'd have to smuggle you in as illicit goods .

  12. 海关官员没收了那人的违禁品。

    The customs officials confiscated the contraband from the man .

  13. 他在一个满是违禁品的公司仓库里被抓。

    He got caught at a company warehouse full of hot items .

  14. 我半夜起来检查兵营看有没有违禁品。

    I was up half the night checking the barracks for contraband .

  15. 上尉,私人信件是违禁品吗?

    Captain , are personal letters to be considered contraband ?

  16. 海关检查员并未在这辆车上发现违禁品。

    The customs inspectors found no contraband in the vehicle .

  17. 警察让船停止,搜查违禁品。

    The policemen stopped the ship in search of contraband .

  18. 对不起,我不太明白什么是违禁品。

    I 'm sorry . I don 't quite clear what is contraband .

  19. 有海关会检查你有没有带违禁品。

    Yes they 'll check to see if you 're carrying any contraband .

  20. 您随身带有什么违禁品吗?

    Have you get any prohibit goods with you ?

  21. 有没有任何违禁品?有没有新鲜食品、物或动物?

    Any contraband ? Any fresh fruit , live plants , or animals ?

  22. 违禁品可以成为本罪的犯罪对象。

    Contraband can be the object of this crime .

  23. 您随身带有违禁品吗?

    Have you got any prohibited goods with you ?

  24. 你行李里有什么违禁品吗?

    Is there forbidden article in your luggage ?

  25. 你不能停下来,因为车上装的都是违禁品。

    You couldn 't stop because of all the contrabands you had on board .

  26. 海关人员仔细检查了走私嫌疑犯的行李,却未发现任何违禁品。

    Customs officials examined the luggage of the suspected smuggler but found no contraband .

  27. 如果你把违禁品带进一个国家,可能要坐牢。

    If you bring contraband into a country , you may go to jail .

  28. 便携式违禁品报警仪已出口南非。

    Portable contraband alarm exported to South africa .

  29. 警察正在搜查违禁品。

    The policemen were searching for contraband .

  30. 进到医务室里面去偷50个违禁品来给欧布莱恩中士。

    Gain access to the Sickbay and steal 50 currency to give to Sergeant O'Brien .