- distal convoluted tubule

The THP excretion was not correlated with thyroid function and patients with AITD may complicated with the immunological damage of the distal convoluted tubule of kidney .
In situ hybridization showed WNK1 gene was mostly expressed in the distal convoluted tubule whereas WNK4 gene was expressed in the medullary collecting ducts besides the distal convoluted tubules .
Results In normal rats , ALR were mainly expressed in Henle 's loops , distal tubules and collecting ducts located in the medulla .
The expression of PDGF A was mainly found in the renal distal tubule and epithelial cells of distal straight tubule and glomerulus capillary , but IGF 1 in transplanting artery equal expressed .
Results Localization of fos protein expression occurred in nuclei and cytoplasm of the proximal convoluted tubules 、 distal convoluted tubules and collecting duct cells . Fos protein started to increase at 1h , peaked at 3h , and reduced rapidly at 6h .
Bcl 2 mainly expressed in renal distal convoluted tubules and the expression was weak positive in control group . Fas / FasL peaked at 72 h of reperfusion ( P < 0.05 ) and was negatively expressed in the control group .
Stereology Study of Fine Structure of Proximal and Distal Convoluted Tubule in Bactrian Camel
Sexual Differences of Proximal and Distal Convoluted Tubules , and Collecting Ducts of Rat
The renal glomeruli dilated , distal convoluted tubules and collecting tubule of the kidney were full of eosinophilic material .
The results showed that apoptotic cells mainly occurred in the renal cells of distal convoluted tubule and collecting duct .
The renal cortical labyrinth contains proximal convoluted tubules ( PCT ), distal convoluted tubules ( DCT ), and renal corpuscles .
The polyuria and dehydration of ill rabbits in clinic were related to renal epithelium apoptosis of distal convoluted renal tubule and collecting duct .
Some nuclei and kytoplasm had cavitation in distal convoluted tubule . Stereology Study of Fine Structure of Proximal and Distal Convoluted Tubule in Bactrian Camel
The renal tubules were composed of the neck , the first and the second proximal , intermediate and distal segments and the collecting duct .
Results : Decorin was mainly expressed in renal tubular epithelial cells , especially in epithelium of proximal tubule . With the development of tubulointerstitial lesions , the expression of decorin was increased .
[ Conclusion ] Sub - chronic cadmium exposure not only induced pathological ultrastructural changes in renal proximal tubular lining cells , but also exerted serious lesions on glomerulus and distal tubular lining cells .
The plasma membrane infoldings were absent in the epithelial cells of its proximal renal tubule and collecting tubule , and were present but fewer in the epithelial cells of its distal renal tubule .
In the distal convoluted tubule of camel kidneys , the volume density of mitochondria , the boundary lenth of the cell surface and the surface density of plasma membrane were also apparently larger than those in cattle kidneys .
Bcl2 and Bax were mainly expressed in proximal and distal convoluted renal tubules , and much less expression in kidney glomerulus .
INOS was in distal and proximal tubules epithelial of renal cortex ;
Proximal convoluted tubules were far more longer than the distal .
The renal corpuscles has an average diameter of 220 μ m ; long loop-type intermediate nephron and medullary nephrons are more than the short side loop-type multiple superficial nephron ; cortical labyrinth far longer than the proximal tubule .