
jìn gōng
  • attack;offensive;assault;push;fell on
进攻 [jìn gōng]
  • (1) [attack]

  • (2) 接近敌人并主动攻击

  • (3) 在斗争或竞赛中发动攻势

进攻[jìn gōng]
  1. 1588年西班牙无敌舰队被派遣进攻英国。

    The Spanish Armada was sent to attack England in 1588 .

  2. 防御全面进攻是不可能的。

    It is impossible to defend against an all-out attack .

  3. 将军把军队都集中起来准备发动最后的进攻。

    The general massed his troops for a final attack .

  4. 印第安人队的进攻强于防守。

    The Redskins ' offense is stronger than their defense .

  5. 我们在敌人最意想不到的时候发动了进攻。

    We hit the enemy when they least expected it .

  6. 敌军显示出进攻的迹象,部队不得不进入戒备状态。

    Warnings of an enemy attack forced the troops onto the defensive .

  7. 敌人进攻的时候,我们毫无抵御能力。

    When the enemy attacked , we were completely powerless against them .

  8. 进攻未奏效,反而使敌人警觉起来。

    The attack was unsuccessful and served only to alert the enemy .

  9. 仅那一次进攻就死伤达6000人。

    The dead and wounded in that one attack amounted to 6 000 .

  10. 他们重新聚集兵力,再次发动进攻。

    They regrouped their forces and renewed the attack .

  11. 他们于1月10日发动了进攻。

    They launched the offensive on January 10 .

  12. 黎明时分,他们向敌军阵地发起进攻。

    They attacked the enemy positions at dawn .

  13. 究竟什么可称作进攻性武器仍然难以界定。

    Exactly what can be called an offensive weapon is still a grey area .

  14. 防守队员击退了每一次进攻。

    The defenders drove off each attack .

  15. 进攻者被击退了。

    The attacker was beaten off .

  16. 德国队几名主力队员因伤不能上场,削弱了进攻力量。

    Germany 's attack has been weakened by the loss of some key players through injury .

  17. 在凌晨发起了进攻。

    The attack happened in the early hours of the morning .

  18. 这支武装部队已发动进攻要夺回失去的阵地。

    The armed forces have launched offensives to recapture lost ground .

  19. 民兵组织回复说他们会对任何进攻予以反击。

    The militia responded by saying it would retaliate against any attacks

  20. 美洲大陆的地形严重限制了进攻路线。

    The American continent 's geography severely limited the lines of attack

  21. 从这可以避开敌方鱼雷区对敌人发动进攻。

    It could engage the enemy beyond the range of hostile torpedoes .

  22. 比赛形势决定了他们要打防守战而不是进攻战。

    Circumstances dictated that they played a defensive rather than attacking game .

  23. 该防御工事能抵御当时所使用的各种进攻手段。

    The fortress was proof against the techniques of attack then in use

  24. 武装部队已作好击退任何进攻的准备。

    The armed forces were prepared to repulse any attacks .

  25. 敌人现在一定在挖掩体,准备迎接进攻。

    The enemy must be digging themselves in now ready for the attack

  26. 陆军部队即将发动一次大规模进攻。

    The army is about to launch a major offensive .

  27. 约翰的手下正在为最后的进攻做准备。

    John 's soldiers were readying themselves for the final assault

  28. 现在美国队控球,向对方球门展开了进攻。

    Now the US is controlling the ball and attacking the opponent 's goal

  29. 这些部队大部分都已经在这次进攻中被击溃。

    A large percentage of these forces had been flattened by the assault .

  30. 还有一个旅已在海上待命,准备两栖进攻。

    A third brigade is at sea , ready for an amphibious assault .