
  1. 美国电影行业游说人士此前曾一直向中国施压,要求其遵守世界贸易组织(WorldTradeOrganization)2009年做出的一项裁决。当时世贸组织裁定,中国规定每年进口影片不得超过20部的政策违反了国际贸易规定。

    U.S. film-industry lobbyists had been pressuring China to resolve a standoff dating back to 2009 , when the World Trade Organization ruled that China 's policy of limiting foreign films to 20 a year violated international trade rules .

  2. 在这样一个日趋成熟的市场,观众是最大的受益者,更多的同步以及准同步的进口影片将继续呈现一个视听的盛宴。

    The audience becomes the biggest beneficiaries , more and more synchronous imported movies and quasi-synchronous imported movies will lead audience to stunning audio-visual feasts in such increasingly mature market .

  3. 在设备基本开发完成后还需要送到好莱坞电影各个电影制片厂进行各项测试,以保证能够获的好莱坞制片厂的认可从而能够播放进口影片。

    The equipment will be finished basic development needs to be sent to the Hollywood film studio in the tests in order to ensure the Hollywood studios authorized to broadcast of imported films .

  4. 影院很难从国产片中获利,因此就不断提高进口影片的票价,忽视低收入人群这一巨大的潜在市场。

    Cinemas can hardly earn profits from home-made films , and therefore , they have kept on raising the ticket price of imported movies , ignoring the large market potential of people on low-incomes .

  5. 在电影节内外持续引发热议的一个话题是进口影片的配额。这是中国采取的保护电影产业的最强有力的政策之一。

    One issue that continues to inspire debate at the festival and beyond is the foreign import film quota , one of the strongest policies that China has in place to shield the film industry .

  6. 美国电影一向垄断中国进口影片市场,战后美国电影在一度销声匿迹后卷土重来,利用种种有利条件,重又占据了上海电影市场的垄断地位。

    American films always monopolized China 's foreign film market before the War . After the Japanese defeat in 1945 , American films staged a comeback , taking advantage of various favourable conditions , and monopolized the Shanghai film market once again .

  7. 但《西游·降魔篇》上周摘得了单日最高票房的桂冠(既包括国产影片,也包括进口影片),在2月14日创下1.23亿元的票房纪录,打破了2011年《变形金刚3》创下的1.14亿元的单日票房纪录。

    But last week " Journey to the West " claimed the title of largest single-day gross ( on Feb. 14 ) of 123 million yuan for all films ─ domestic and foreign ─ surpassing the previous one-day record of 114 million yuan set in 2011 for the third installment of the " Transformers " franchise .

  8. 所以,我们需要进口外国影片来满足日益增长的需求,同时增进与其他国家的交流,向他们学习。

    So we need to have foreign films to satisfy the demand , to enhance exchange with others and to learn from them too .

  9. WTO的裁决并未否决中方经由国有的中影集团(ChinaFilm)每年进口20部外国影片的进口限额,也没有质疑中国审查外国电影和出版物的权利。

    The WTO ruling did not reject the import quota of 20 foreign films a year that are funnelled through China Film , a state company , nor did it challenge China 's right to censor foreign films and publications .

  10. 其中包括《奇异博士》、《神奇动物在哪里》、《间谍同盟》和《比利·林恩的中场战事》等12部进口电影,使我国今年的进口影片数量达到创纪录的39部。

    November will see the release of 12 foreign films , including " Doctor Strange , " " Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them , " " Allied , " " Billy Lynn 's Long Halftime Walk , " taking the number of imported films in the Chinese market to a record high of 39 this year .