
  1. 就其年龄而言,这个小孩算是重的。

    The child is heavy for his age .

  2. 这个小孩被小说的情节吸引住了。

    This child was fascinated by the plots in the novel .

  3. 这个小孩不合群。

    The child doesn 't get on well with others .

  4. 这个小孩认生。

    The child is shy with strangers .

  5. 这个小孩的脸蛋儿胖乎乎的。

    This child has plump ( or chubby ) cheeks .

  6. 这个小孩让他妈妈把椅子加上垫子。

    The child let his mother pad the chair .

  7. 他的敌人把这个小孩叫做小偷。

    His enemies labelled the boy a thief .

  8. 这个小孩重复着他妈妈的话。

    The child echoed his mother 's words .

  9. 这个小孩太小不能自己穿衣服,所以他的妈妈帮助他穿衣服。

    The boy is too little to dress himself , so his mother helps him on with the clothes .

  10. 他对这个小孩的调皮捣蛋低声轻笑

    He chuckleed at the child 's mischievousness .

  11. 这个小孩早晨醒得早

    The child awakens early in the morning .

  12. 这个小孩做这件工作很难。

    It 's difficult for the child to do the work .

  13. 这个小孩困为非常疲倦而落后于其他小孩。

    The child lagged behind others because he was very tired .

  14. 这个小孩被剥夺了上学的机会。

    The kid was denied the chance of going to school .

  15. 谁唆使这个小孩做出这种恶作剧?

    Who put the child up to this piece of mischief ?

  16. 这个小孩再也忍不住小便了。

    The little boy couldn 't contain his urine any longer .

  17. 这个小孩被送到了医院,但后来出院了。

    The child was taken to hospital but was later discharged .

  18. 保护这个小孩,没人受伤。

    Protect the little guy , and no one gets hurt .

  19. 这个小孩太年经了,不能分辩是非。

    The child is too old to tell right from wrong .

  20. 这个小孩靠他的父母养活。

    The child is dependent on his parents for support .

  21. 他不得不照顾这个小孩,是吗?

    He has to look after the child , doesn 't he ?

  22. 法庭指定他为这个小孩的合法监护人。

    The court constituted him legal guardian of the child .

  23. 由于那个人的抢救,这个小孩没有滑进水池。

    The man saved the boy from falling down to the pool .

  24. 她那样喜欢这个小孩,好像他就是她的亲生儿子一样。

    She loves the child as if he were her own son .

  25. 他想知道这个小孩你们准备怎么办。

    He wants to know what 's gonna happen with the baby .

  26. 他坚持不睡觉来护理这个小孩。

    He insisted on staying up to nurse the child .

  27. 每个人都喜爱这个小孩,因为他有礼貌。

    Everybody loves this boy , as he is polite .

  28. 这个小孩试著要去认识一下这所新学校。

    The little child tried to acquaint himself with this new school .

  29. 这个小孩太小了不能上学。(或这个小孩没有到上学的年龄。)

    The little child was not old enough to go to school .

  30. 你认识这个小孩吗?是的,认识

    Do you know this kid ? Yeah , sure .