
  • 网络littoral;neritic province;neritic zone;INNER SEA
  1. 本文介绍了杭州湾跨海大桥控制测量技术,讨论了在近海区利用全站仪对常规打桩船打桩的测量技术和在离海岸较远时利用GPS打桩系统打桩的方法。

    In the paper , the surveying technique of the bridge is introduced , the application of total station instrument in piling of Hangzhou Bay Major Bridge is discussed .

  2. 埃尔尼诺现象与东海黑潮区及其邻近海域水文结构和环流的变异&东海黑潮区及其邻近海区ENSO渔场学问题之一

    Variation of hydrologic structure and circulation in relation to ENSO events in the Kuroshio Area in the East China Sea and its adjacent seas

  3. 另外,改进的POM能较好地再现1998年西南季风爆发前后,南海及邻近海区表层海温的演变特征。

    In addition , the developing characteristics of the SST in the SCS and its neighboring sea regions before and after the summer monsoon onset are also well simulated by the improved POM .

  4. 把长江河口、杭州湾及邻近海区作为整体,应用三维高分辨率非正交曲线网格河口海洋模式,模拟了4个主要分潮M2,S2,K1,O1。

    In this paper , uniting the Yangtze Estuary , Hangzhou Bay and their adjacent sea , the 4 main tidal constituents M 2 , S 2 , K 1 , O 1 are simulated using a non-orthogonal coordinate primitive equation model with high resolution .

  5. 菲律宾海及其邻近海区的水文特征

    Hydrologic Characteristic of the Philippine Sea and Its Nearby Areas

  6. 长江三峡工程对河口近海区理化环境要素的影响

    Influence of Three-Gorge engineering on the environment of Changjiang River estuary region

  7. 庄河近海区沉积特征及泥沙来源研究

    Study on Depositional Pattern and Sediment Source in Offshore Area of Zhuanghe Harbor

  8. 钦州湾近海区沉积特征及航道淤积研究

    Study on deposition characteristics and channel siltation in offshore zone of Qinzhou Bay

  9. 台湾海峡及其邻近海区海面辐射平衡的时空分布

    Space-time characteristics of radiation balance over the Taiwan Strait and its adjacent waters

  10. 胶州湾及邻近海区沉积动力学

    Sediment Dynamics of Jiaozhou Bay and Adjoining Areas

  11. 北仑港及邻近海区潮汐特性初探

    Analysis of the Tidal Features in the Beilun Port and Its Adjacent Sea Area

  12. 东海近海区盐度预报结果分析

    An analysis of salinity prediction in the offshore area of the East China Sea

  13. 山东及其近海区地震序列类型地理分布特征

    The geographic distribution feature of earthquake sequence type in Shandong and its offshore area

  14. 黄河口及其邻近海区溶解态砷的分布及存在形式

    Distribution and speciation of arsenic in the seawater of the Huanghe River Estuary and adjacent areas

  15. 南海及邻近海区海况季节变化的模拟

    Numerical simulations of seasonal vari-ations of oceanic elements in the SCS and its neighboring sea regions

  16. 珠江三角洲河口及邻近海区沉积物中含氯有机污染物的分布特征

    The distributing characteristics of organochlorine compounds contaminants in sediments of Pearl River Delta and nearby sea area

  17. 普里兹湾及其邻近海区冰-海相互作用的数值研究Ⅰ.模式

    A numerical study of the ice-ocean interaction in the region of Prydz Bay , antarctica ⅰ . model

  18. 长江口及其邻近海区主要经济虾类的生态研究

    An investigation on the ecology of economic important shrimp in the Changjiang River Estuary and its adjacent sea

  19. 福建及其邻近海区海洋渔业资源评估数据库系统的研究

    A Study on Data Bases System of the Estimation of Marine Fisheries Resources in Fujian and Its Adjacent Waters

  20. 黄河三角洲沿岸及邻近海区细粒沉积物中的碳酸盐

    Study of carbonate in the fine grained sediment from the coastal zone of the Huanghe delta and adjacent Bohai Gulf

  21. 东海南海构造交接带及其邻近海区(简称交接带)位于中国东部大陆边缘,东邻俯冲板块边界。

    The connect zone between the East China Sea and South China Sea is located at East China Continental Margin .

  22. 长江口杭州湾及邻近海区潮汐潮流场三维数值模拟

    3-D Numerical Simulation of Tide and Tidal Current Fields in the Changjiang Estuary , Hangzhou Bay and Their Adjacent Sea

  23. 长江径流对河口及邻近海区渔业影响的初步研究

    Preliminary studies on the influence of Changjiang River Runoff on the Fisheries of Changjiang Estuary and its adjacent sea areas

  24. 长江口及其邻近海区的浮性鱼卵和仔稚鱼的生态研究

    The investigation OK pelagic eggs , larvae and juveniles of fishes at the mouth of the Changjiang River and adjacent areas

  25. 中国东南沿海及邻近海区一种独特的大陆增生方式&转换断层向俯冲体系的转变

    Transition from transform fault to subduction system : a pattern of continental accretion in south & east China and its adjacent areas

  26. 渤黄东海近海区海洋水温预报研究概况

    A short sketch of the studies on Sea-water temperature prediction in the bohai , the Yellow Sea and the East China Sea

  27. 讨论了浙江和福建近海区的潮波传播类型。

    The propagating type of tidal wave in offshore waters of Zhejiang , Fujian and Taiwan provinces are discussed in this paper .

  28. 本文报道了福建及其邻近海区海洋渔业资源评估数据库系统的设计思想、主要内容、系统功能及操作方法。

    In this paper , the design thinking , major content , systematic function and operating method of the data bases are reported .

  29. 黄河口的变迁对邻近海区潮波运动影响的数值研究

    A numerical study on the effect of the changes of the Huanghe River Estuary on the tidal wave movement in its adjacent sea area

  30. 渤海及黄、东海近海区水温日变化特点分析

    Characteristic analysis on the daily variation of sea water temperature in the Bohai Sea and inshore region of the Huanghai Sea and East China Sea