
  • 网络nearshoring;nearshore;Nearshore outsourcing
  1. 在美国,近岸外包是指将业务派给加拿大或墨西哥的公司。

    In the US , nearshoring describes work sent to Canada and Mexico .

  2. 对于不愿意处理离岸外包过程中涉及到的文化差异、语言差异、或者时差等问题的公司来说,近岸外包是一种常用的模式。

    Nearshoring is a popular model for companies that don 't want to deal with the cultural , language or time zone differences involved in offshoring .

  3. 大部分利用近岸或离岸外包的组织都依赖于团队过去的经验评估其交付所需构件的能力。

    Most organizations that utilize near-shore or offshore outsourcing rely on the past experience of the teams to assess their ability to deliver the agreed artifacts .