
jìn zài yǎn qián
  • be close at hand;right here under one's nose
近在眼前[jìn zài yǎn qián]
  1. 夏天已近在眼前了。

    Summer 's not far off now .

  2. 大家都知道可怕的事近在眼前。

    Everybody knew that something awful was afoot .

  3. 暑假刚开始时,开学显得那么遥远,现在却近在眼前。

    The first day of term , which seemed so far away at the start of the summer holidays , is looming .

  4. 除了近在眼前的一小段路之外,她什么也看不见。

    She could see nothing but a small stretch of road just ahead .

  5. 考试近在眼前!

    Your exams are nearly here !

  6. 当代科学家们说,这种使我们了解到鸟喙最初外观的神奇鸟儿,原来一直都近在眼前。

    Modern-day scientists say this amazing bird , which gives a picture of what the first beaks7 were like , has been under their noses the whole time .

  7. 谷歌(Google)已经在测试无人驾驶的车辆,而机器人照顾老人的事情在日本成为了现实:又一轮的爆发性增长似乎近在眼前。

    Already , Google is experimenting with driverless cars , and robots are caring for the elderly in Japan : Another burst of growth appears to be at hand .

  8. 数月前,我长途跋涉来到位于纽约州约克城高地的IBM研究实验室的林间园区,为的就是能早早一窥那近在眼前却让人期待许久的人工智能的未来。

    A few months ago I made the trek to the sylvan campus of the IBM research labs in Yorktown Heights , New York , to catch an early glimpse of the fast-arriving , long-overdue future of artificial intelligence .

  9. 我和梅琳达(Melinda)很喜欢书中的一句话,我们把它涂到了家里的墙上:“他的梦一定就像是近在眼前,他几乎不可能抓不住的。”

    Melinda and I love one line so much that we had it painted on a wall in our house : " His dream must have seemed so close that he could hardly fail to grasp it . "

  10. 财宝远在天边,而晚上的玩耍近在眼前。

    The sure fun of the evening outweighed the uncertain treasure ;

  11. 但知识分子还是沉浸在衰退、堕落和灾难近在眼前的忧虑之中。

      intellectuals were obsessed with imminent decline , degeneration and disaster .

  12. 兹事体大,近在眼前。

    This is a big deal , and now it 's here .

  13. 除了近在眼前的一小段路之外什么也看不见。

    I see nothing but a small stretch of road immediately ahead .

  14. 近期的三大突破让人们期待已久的人工智能近在眼前:

    Three recent breakthroughs have unleashed the long-awaited arrival of artificial intelligence :

  15. 让那个近在眼前的伟大的日子快点儿来吧我们早已准备齐全了。

    Let the approaching big day come along-it would find us on deck .

  16. 远在天边,近在眼前。

    They are so far and yet so near .

  17. 但是,运用这些手段的时机已近在眼前。

    But the time to use all those tools is now at hand .

  18. 看似遥远或许近在眼前。

    It may be near when it seems afar .

  19. 凯利认为,人工智能的时代终于近在眼前了。

    Kelly argues that the age of artificial intelligence is finally at hand .

  20. 现在看来,这一时刻已经近在眼前。

    That moment is no longer that far off .

  21. 谁需要被牵着鼻子走?那个人近在眼前,但不是我!

    And who needs to draw , that person near , not I !

  22. 如今春天近在眼前,到处都有美丽的姑娘。

    Now that spring is in the air , pretty girls are everywhere .

  23. 想起我们共同度过的美好时光,虽关山阻隔,犹如近在眼前。

    Remembering the happy times we 've shared keeps us close across the miles .

  24. 9月18日的公投意味着这种景象已经前所未有地近在眼前了。

    That prospect is now nearer than ever with a vote on Sept. 18 .

  25. 经济的复苏似乎近在眼前了。

    The economic revival might be on the horizon

  26. 海报上宣称“世界末日近在眼前”。

    " The end of the world is at hand !" the poster declaimed .

  27. 伦斯特花园的谎言.近在眼前.

    The lie , the lie of Leinster Gardens , hidden in plain sight .

  28. 一准是某种启示已近在眼前;

    Surely some revelation is at hand ;

  29. 另一个拳击里程碑近在眼前。

    Another boxing milestone is at hand .

  30. 不要忘了美好的明天总是近在眼前

    Remember brighter tomorrows are always near .