
yùn shū fèi
  • transportation;freight;transport charge;carriage
  1. 据估计,在美国组装iPhone手机只能是将该设备的制造成本增加约30美元,成本上涨多源于额外运输费。

    Estimates have suggested that the cost of assembling the iPhone in the US would only increase the cost of making the device by around $ 30 , much of it in additional transportation .

  2. 索赔金额不得从运输费中扣除。

    The claim amount may not be deducted from the transportation charges .

  3. 内陆运输费将由买方负担。

    Cost of inland transpiration will be borne by the buyer .

  4. 费用是205美元加3美元的运输费。

    The cost it $ 205 plus $ 3 for shipping .

  5. 你方应负担所有装卸费和运输费。

    You should be responsible for all handling and freight costs .

  6. 要将运输费、搬运装卸费或储存成本包括在原材料成本中。

    Include shipping , handling or storage in the total material cost .

  7. 不过,别忘了还有运输费和切分费用。

    And don 't forget about the delivery fee and cutting fee .

  8. 宝贝的价钱是不包括运输费。

    Shipping charges are not included in all price listed .

  9. 以上为税前定价,不包含运输费。

    All prices may not include transportation and tax fee .

  10. 这一唯一的提案就是由铁路方面提出的新运输费问题。

    The only proposal was the proposed new rates filed by the railroads .

  11. 运输费占整个费用的百分之十五。

    Carriage is 15 % of the total cost .

  12. 价格之外另加五英镑运输费。

    There 's a shipping charge of £ 5 added to the price .

  13. 但是,由于昂的运输费,利润反而下降了。

    But profits fell because of higher shipping costs .

  14. 本报价含17%增值税和货物运输费。

    All prices include VAT17 % and delivery .

  15. 上述价格包括运输费。

    Prices quoted are inclusive of transportation costs .

  16. 中国和其它国家的石油企业已同意支付一部分石油运输费。

    Chinese and other oil companies have agreed to pay part of the oil transit fees .

  17. 生产费用和总运输费

    Production cost and freight

  18. 生产费用和总运输费东方海外很早就已认识到信息技术会对集装箱运输业产生日益重要的影响。

    Production cost and freight OOCL has long recognized the growing importance of IT on the containerized transport industry .

  19. 欧盟全力支持俄罗斯加入。此前,俄罗斯同意削减木材出口关税和铁路运输费。

    The EU gave its formal support after Russia agreed to cut timber export tariffs and rail freight fees .

  20. 进行市场买卖的费用(如转让费和运输费)。

    The cost of marketing ( e.g. , the cost of transferring title and moving goods to the customer ) .

  21. 若我们稍后决定定货,你们能将运输费打到我们帐户上么?

    If we later decide to make an order , would you be able to credit us that shipping charge ?

  22. 比如说,这些附加成本包括除购买价格以外的销售税、运输费和安装调试费等。

    These include , for example , sales taxes on the purchase price , delivery cost , and installation costs .

  23. 生产商或销售商负担的任何费用(如广告费和运输费等)。

    Any cost incurred by a producer or wholesaler or retailer or distributor ( as for advertising and shipping etc ) .

  24. 规定报出厂价以及说明是否在出厂价之外还要报内陆运输费和伴随服务费。

    Specify EXW and whether prices for inland transportation and price of incidental services , must be quoted in addition to EXW .

  25. 若您需要,我方将乐意寄上目录以及这些项目的出口价格和预估的运输费。

    Should you desire , we would be pleased to send you catalogs with export prices and estimated shipping costs for these items .

  26. 新的装卸方法,如集装箱办法,节省了不少包装材料,也省了运输费。

    New methods of loading , such as containers , save not only a lot of wrapping but also the cost of freight .

  27. 还必须解决包括运输费在内的医疗费用问题。

    Financial barriers to care , including the costs of transport , must also be addressed , as is being done here in Nepal .

  28. 应用于海南铁矿排土规划,可节省运输费20%。

    And has been applied to the dumping programming for Hainan Iron Mine , thus resulting in a 20 percent saving in transportation work .

  29. 发货事宜已办妥,运输费由贵司支付,我们将根据原始的单据支付运费。

    The delivery will be arranged and the shipping charges will be prepaid by you , we will repay the shipping charges against original receipt .

  30. 若送货地点改在买主和卖主之间的中点,或是交货点直接改在卖主的卸货站,就可以省俭不少的运输费。

    The contract price could be reduced if a closer , more convenient location was used . The point of delivery could be the seller 's shipping dock .