
  • 网络Running;RUN;running state;Run Status;operating status
  1. 基于Web数字化生产车间的运行状态监测系统

    A Web-based Monitoring System of the Running Status of the Digital Manufacturing Shop

  2. DSP技术在给水泵运行状态监测仪中的应用

    Application of DSP Technology in The Running Status Monitoring Instruments for Feed-water Pump

  3. 基于FIX的风机运行状态监测系统开发

    Development of A fan monitor system based on configuration software FIX

  4. 利用以太网和ATM技术实现电网运行状态实时监测

    Real-time monitoring system for the states of power network over Ethernet and ATM

  5. CPU中的状态寄存器用来指示CPU的运行状态。

    State Painting The FLAGS in a CPU indicate the running state of the CPU .

  6. SPWM逆变器运行状态与接线方式的探讨

    Discussion on Operation State and Circuit Connection of SPWM Inverter

  7. 针刺对自由运行状态金黄地鼠视交叉上核内5-HT7受体功能的影响

    Regulating Effects on Electro-acupuncture on 5-HT Receptors in Suprachiasmatic Nucleus of Free-running Hamsters

  8. 但是,用户无法确切了解网络的运行状态,使得TCP协议的拥塞控制响应颇有些盲目性。

    However , the user can not know the network state , which results in the blindness of TCP congestion response .

  9. 最后,在Matlab环境下,进行了系统运行状态的仿真测试,并与不同算法的优化结果进行了对比。

    Then simulation tests of the state of operating system are conducted by Matlab and results of various optimization algorithms compared in the paper .

  10. 电池运行状态监控模块关注于电池的电压、电流和温度的采集以及SOC等参数的计算方法;

    This thesis concerns to gather the voltage , current and temperature characteristics and the method of calculation for the state of charge .

  11. 在这个注册过程中,Dispatcher将通知CM它托管的服务及其运行状态(启用/禁用)。

    During this registration process the Dispatcher will inform CM about the services it hosts and their running state ( enabled / disabled ) .

  12. 由于干燥系统具有非线性和滞后性,根据系统的运行状态,应用BP神经网络调节PID控制器的参数,以期达到干燥控制性能指标的最优化。

    According to the operation state of the system , BP nerve network is employed to regulate the parameter of PID controller to reach the optimization in the nonlinear and sluggish time-lag dry system .

  13. RAID自动配置机制可以为磁盘自动生成一份完整的配置信息,无论系统是在初始化阶段还是在运行状态下。

    RAID updating disk drive configuration can automatically create a complete file configuration for the system , no matter at the startup phase or the runtime phase .

  14. 根据SRM的转矩相电流和转子位置角的非线性关系,将系统的运行状态划分为8种不同的工作状态。

    According to nonlinear function relation between torque phase current and rotation angle position of SRM , the operation status was divided into eight different sections .

  15. 将避雷器悬挂于金属塔上处于运行状态时,考虑金属塔和母线效应时建立了3D有限元模型,计算了阀片电压偏差率分布。

    While the surge arrester is suspended on the metal tower in the running state , considering the effect of the tower and the bus , a 3-D finite element model is established , and the distribution of RVW is calculated .

  16. 介绍一种基于CAN总线和MCU技术的电力机车运行状态监测系统,并提供与PC机的接口,该系统能在低成本、高可靠性的基础上,有效地提高电力机车状态监测的技术含量。

    Introduces a new inspecting system to the status of electric locomotive , which is based on CAN bus MCU technology . The system can improve performance of inspecting to the electric locomotive .

  17. 给出了层次颜色Petri网的可达任务图的概念及构造算法,并利用可达任务图,对网格计算资源调度系统的运行状态进行了分析。

    The concept and algorithm of Reachable Task Graph for hierarchical colored Petri net are given in this paper . Finally , we analyze the running state of resource scheduling for grid computing using reachable task graph .

  18. 针对无线传感器网络的节点在运行状态提出了动态电压调度(DVS)算法。

    Aimed at the node of wireless sensor network in running state an effective method of dynamic voltage scaling ( DVS ) is put forward .

  19. 同时还可以通过ARM7嵌入式处理器和各种监控探头与传感器,监控车辆运行状态、安全状态和货物状况。

    The system embedded the ARM7 processor and some monitors and probe sensor , so that the system could monitor the vehicles ' running , the security and cargo condition .

  20. 电路仿真作为分析评价现有电子系统运行状态或优化设计电路性能与功能的一种技术手段,在电子设计自动化(EDA)领域中有着广泛的应用。

    Simulation circuit is a technique which is used to analyze and evaluate the operating status of existing electronic system and optimize the function of circuit . It has been applied widely in Electronic Design Automation ( EDA ) .

  21. 结论柴油机类型、运行状态、作业环境大小及有无通风设施是影响作业场所DEP浓度的主要因素;

    Conclusions The main factors influencing the concentration are the type of the locomotives , mode of operation , room of environment space , and the ventilation system .

  22. 在此基础上为了提高分类精度以及将负荷运行状态与模型分类联系起来,借助人工神经网络解决模糊的、不确定的、非线性的问题的能力,构造了一个BP网络的负荷模型分类器。

    Moreover , in order to improve the precision of classification and link loads ' working condition with model classification , considering Neural Networks ' ability to solve fuzzy , uncertain , non-linear problems , through the Pattern Recognition with Neural Networks , a BP Network classifier is realized .

  23. 该控制器利用PMU测量得到的系统实时运行状态量可以实现系统状态方程的线性化,从而可以对直流附加控制器进行线性最优控制设计。

    This controller utilizes the real-time state variables obtained by PMU to linearize the state equations of the system , and then the linear optimal control strategy is used to design HVDC supplementary controller .

  24. 该系统综合利用泄漏电流的幅值特性,频率特性以及随机性来判别绝缘子的运行状态,以提高系统判别的可靠性。以Veriloghdl为设计语言,实现了频率特性测试仪主要部分的设计。

    The system integrate with the amplitude character , frequency character and probability character to predict contamination flashover . Verilog HDL is used as the design language . The theme completes the design of frequency character measurers .

  25. 研究了负荷频率变化时,相间功率控制器(IPC)及两侧电网的动态行为,着重探究了带IPC联络线的两侧电网是否会轻易地在负荷频率变化时落入异步运行状态。

    This paper studies the dynamic behavior of both sides network and IPC , when the load and frequency vary . Whether both sides of the tie line with IPC are easy to fall into the state of asynchronism is explored emphatically .

  26. 仿真结果表明,这种非线性励磁控制器不仅对发电机参数、运行状态和负荷类型具有良好的鲁棒性,而且允许COI信号存在较大的时滞。

    Simulation results show that this nonlinear excitation controller is robust to generator parameters , operating conditions and load types ; meanwhile it allows the existence of relatively large time delays in COI signals .

  27. 以实际联网为背景的研究结果表明,在IPC联络线两侧电网负荷常规变化的条件下,并不会因频率变化步调上的差异,由较明显的相位相对滑移,轻易地转入异步运行状态。

    On the background of practical interconnected network , the research results show that the state of the relative phase slippage can not easily be turned into asynchronous state because of the difference of the frequency variable step , while the loads of the two sides normally vary .

  28. 结果表明:在激光器参数相同的理想情况下,系统能实现完全同步,此时注入延时会影响VCSEL的运行状态;

    Also the types of synchronization and the influence of injection delay are studied . The results indicate that under the ideal condition without parameter mismatch and noise , the complete synchronization can be achieved , and the injection delay has much effects on the state of VCSEL .

  29. 结合实际,对冷轧厂CDCM生产线的工艺过程、活套电控系统组成及信息交换、参数的计算与设定、活套控制方式、运行状态及张力控制精度等进行分析和总结。

    This paper analyses and concludes the CDCM manufacturing techniques of cold rolling factory , composition and information exchanging of loop electricity cybernetic system , parameter calculating and setting , control method of loop , operation state and precision of tension controlling .

  30. 现场显示运行状态,实现智能化监控。

    Display operation status on site and realize intelligent supervisory control .