
yùn xíng
  • run;working;move;go;be in motion
运行 [yùn xíng]
  • [move;be in motion] 星球、车船等周而复始地运转

  • 在轨道上运行

运行[yùn xíng]
  1. 看起来太阳在天空中的运行轨迹呈弧形。

    The sun appears to move in an arc across the sky .

  2. 研制的英蒙汉电子词典能够运行在基于WINDOWSCE。

    The researching English-Mongolian-Chinese electronic dictionary can move to small embedded equipment which based on Windows CE .

  3. 我们正设法评估这个系统运行得是否顺畅。

    We are trying to assess how well the system works .

  4. 要运行视窗,只需双击图标即可。

    To run a window , just double-click on the icon .

  5. 最新的计算机能达到极高的运行速度。

    The latest computers can work at a blindingly fast speed .

  6. 这份材料说明了图书馆的运行规则。

    This explains the rules under which the library operates .

  7. 为使训练真实,模拟是实时运行的。

    To make the training realistic the simulation operates in real time .

  8. 这个系统已经运行六个月了。

    The system has been in operation for six months .

  9. 地球绕太阳运行一周需要一年的时间。

    The earth takes a year to make a circuit of the sun .

  10. 到今天下午,我们的电脑系统应该运行起来了。

    Our system should be up by this afternoon .

  11. 昔日的电车轨道还在,却没有电车在上面运行了。

    The old tramlines are still there but now no trams run on them .

  12. 这个系统运行得就像一台上了油的机器。

    The system ran like a well-oiled machine .

  13. 系统整个上午都无法运行。

    The system was down all morning .

  14. 硬盘停止运行了。

    The hard disk is dead .

  15. 该系统能够同时运行一个以上的程序。

    The system has the ability to run more than one program at the same time .

  16. 已经对这些新系统进行了优化设置,以便运行微软视窗。

    The new systems have been optimised for running Microsoft Windows .

  17. 这颗行星可能正环绕着一颗小恒星运行。

    The planet is probably in orbit around a small star .

  18. 活细胞中所有复杂的运行成分都由蛋白质分子构成。

    Protein molecules compose all the complex working parts of living cells

  19. 他们已经将一个自动操作舱与沿轨道运行的空间站并行对接上了。

    They have docked a robot module alongside the orbiting space station

  20. 同样重要的是,其机构运行良好。

    Just as important , it has a well-oiled organization .

  21. 这趟夜班火车除了周六外每个晚上都运行。

    The overnight train runs every night of the week except Saturdays .

  22. 火车运行时请勿上下车!

    Don 't try to get on or off a moving train !

  23. 列车运行过程中要远离车门。

    Keep away from the doors while the train is moving

  24. 政府的预算反映了对经济运行状况的关注。

    Concern at the economic situation was reflected in the government 's budget .

  25. 火星与地球的运行轨道随着时间而变化。

    Mars and Earth have orbits which change with time

  26. 经济的组织运行应符合所有人的利益。

    The economy should be organized to serve the interests of all the people

  27. 弗罗曼称他的国家经济运行良好。

    Frommen says his country boasts a healthy economy .

  28. 火灾肆虐超过4个小时,期间列车停止了运行。

    Train services were halted as the fire raged for more than four hours

  29. 这几台主要的电脑有30分钟没能正常运行。

    The main computers went down for 30 minutes .

  30. 修改输入的文本,重新运行软件。

    Edit the input text and re-run the software