- Operations Director;Director of Operations;COO

In the last year , the Stolls have lost several of their best servers and their director of operations to Twitter and Airbnb in San Francisco .
Nathan Folkman , Foursquare 's Director of Operations , wrote a blog entry that both apologized to their users and provided some technical details about what happened .
And Jeff Williams , Apple 's head of operations , in May called the car " the ultimate mobile device . "
" We are a absolutely not alarmed right now about any of our markets ," said Joel Litvin , the NBA 's president for league and basketball operations .
Howard Glaser , New York State operations director , said the port was reopening , bringing in 200 fuel barges to ease conditions .
I think there are a lot of misconceptions around polystyrene foam versus paper , ' said Keith Christman , managing director for plastics markets at American Chemistry Council , which represents the industry .
' I think there are a lot of misconceptions around polystyrene foam versus paper , ' said Keith Christman , managing director for plastics markets at American Chemistry Council , which represents the industry .
Or if , as in the case of Mr. Koons , they do not know the man , they know the iconic things he has done , said Daniel Kulle , the president for North American operations at HM. People are more well informed than they used to be .
Zhang Xiaobing , operation director of UME 's Huaxing Int'l Cineplex , said , " The total box office gross in April and May was more than 90 million yuan , but only 20 million was generated from domestic movies . It 's quite disappointing . "
Take Adam Lawrence , director of operations at wealth management software provider addepar , who says his company has been using asana for two years and that he always has the web-based task management tool " up next to my Gmail in a separate tab . "
Tim Freeman is Director of Operations at Freeman Technology .
Today , Meyer is the president and COO of Universal Studios .
LU operations director Peter McNaught said : ' I look forward to this new pilot .
Prior to his new appointment in Qingdao , he was the Director of Operations of Hilton Shanghai .
Man : After twenty years as Operations Director , people thought I was going to stay forever .
Andrew Kam , its managing director , blamed the figures on increased costs and growing competition from other destinations .
Aaron Strickland , the emergency operation director of Georgia Power says the storm of ice and snow has potentially devastating .
Illinois Governor Pat Quinn 's Chief Operating Officer Jack Lavin said selling Thomson to the U.S. Bureau of Prisons would help create jobs .
Woman : ... And our studio guest today is Giles Milton , Operations Director at the National Weather Centre . Giles , welcome .
A few days ago , one of my subordinates , I look for a Chief Operating Officer , quarterly assessment on time , to talk about his mental imbalance .
See , the group 's operations director , had been planning a venture in Hong Kong and sprang into action a year ago when the government abolished the import duty on wine .
BEIJING , Oct.3 ( Xinhua ) & A chief executive officer at an IT company , Lin Jiang is one of Beijing 's new rich , but he spurns flash department stores .
Andy Goss , worldwide head of sales , said in Detroit this month the brands have to challenge the established order the way Audi had to do with BMW and Mercedes not so long ago .
The TOC director will be responsible for monitoring and regularly reporting on the effectiveness of the system quality assurance program .
She joined Ctrip in2000.These roles include manager and director of hotel reservations , as well as senior director and VP of customer service .
The intent that sina net carries king of battalion headquarters CTO besmears brave speaks bilateral collaboration .
" Older workers stereotypically view younger workers as not as competent and not having such a work ethic ," said Eric Buntin , managing director of marketing and operations for Randstad USA.