
  • 网络Sport psychology;exercise psychology;Sport and Exercise Psychology;exercise and sport psychology
  1. 弗罗里达州立大学(FloridaStateUniversity)体育与运动心理学研究生项目主管格森•特南鲍姆(GershonTenenbaum)说:“人们在跑步时听音乐比不借助音乐或者其他工具时感觉省力”。

    When people run with music their rate of perceived exertion is lower than if they don 't use music or other devices , ' says Gershon Tenenbaum , director of the graduate program in sport and exercise psychology at Florida State University .

  2. 弗罗里达州立大学(FloridaStateUniversity)体育与运动心理学研究生项目主管格森•特南鲍姆(GershonTenenbaum)说:人们在跑步时听音乐比不借助音乐或者其他工具时感觉省力。

    ' When people run with music their rate of perceived exertion is lower than if they don 't use music or other devices , ' says Gershon Tenenbaum , director of the graduate program in sport and exercise psychology at Florida State University .

  3. 这项研究得到了速比涛公司(SpeedoInternationalLtd.)的赞助,计划发表在《体育与运动心理学》(PsychologyofSportandExercise)杂志上。

    The study , scheduled to be published in the journal Psychology of Sport and Exercise , was sponsored by swimwear company Speedo International Ltd.

  4. 这项研究得到了速比涛公司(SpeedoInternationalLtd。)的赞助,计划发表在《体育与运动心理学》(PsychologyofSportandExercise)杂志上。

    The study , scheduled to be published in the journal Psychology of Sport and Exercise , was sponsored by swimwear company Speedo International Ltd 。

  5. 帕特·戴维森(PatDavidson),是一名运动心理学的博士。同时还是瑞典户外运动品牌PeakPerformance纽约市健身教育协调部主任。他表示不良的坐姿会使你的胯部突出,肩膀下垂,甚至会导致呼吸不顺畅。

    It causes you to jut your hips forward , slump your shoulders , and even breathe inefficiently , according to Pat Davidson , a trainer with a PhD in Exercise Physiology who is the Director of Training Methodology and Continuing Education Coordinator at Peak Performance in NYC .

  6. 拉夫堡大学健身运动心理学专家StuartBiddle教授说道,英国现在很多人都进入了不运动和久坐行列。

    Prof Stuart Biddle , an expert in exercise psychology at Loughborough University , said a lot of people in the UK now fall into the category of inactive or sedentary .

  7. 本实验的特色可概括以下几个方面:(l)首次从记忆实验研究的文献中,剥离出动作记忆实验研究的三个主要阶段,为运动心理学或认知运动心理学的研究提供史证资料;

    The specialties of this research are as follows : ( 1 ) It provides evidence for the research of sports psychology or cognitive sports psychology by dissociating three stages of action memory experiment research from the memory experiment research .

  8. 为运动员和商务人士提供咨询服务的运动心理学顾问约瑟芬•佩里博士(JosephinePerry)表示:“人们在一次六小时的骑行中可以更加轻松自在地进行社交,不像在酒会上强行拉关系。这样子尴尬感会少很多。”

    Dr Josephine Perry , a sport psychology consultant who advises sport professionals and business people , says : " People network in a much freer way on a six-hour bike ride than if it 's something that is forced upon you like a drinks reception . It 's much less awkward . "

  9. 运动心理学退休教授和应用运动心理学协会(aasp)前主席克雷格.里斯伯格提出,运动员要想发挥出色的比赛水平,对于自身所起的作用以及能为团队作出贡献还需要有十足的信心。

    To excel , players also need to feel confident about their own roles as well as their contributions to the team , notes Craig wrisberg , a professor emeritus of sport psychology and past president of the Association for Applied Sport Psychology ( AASP ) .

  10. 体育运动心理学学科建设和发展问题探讨

    The explore on construction and development of physical sports psychology subject

  11. 严格界定运动心理学的研究对象是运动心理学健康发展的重要问题。

    And defined the domain of sport psychology strictly is necessary .

  12. 目标设置是运动心理学领域的一个新课题。

    Target setting is a new object in the sport psychology .

  13. 认知运动心理学&历史、现状与未来

    Cognitive Sport Psychology : The History , Present Condition and Future

  14. 情绪智力理论对运动心理学研究的启示

    Inspiration of the Theory of Emotional Intelligence to Sports Psychological Study

  15. 对现阶段我国运动心理学研究的新思考

    New Consideration on Sport Psychology Research at Present Stage in China

  16. 临床运动心理学的界定、现状及发展趋势

    The Definition , State and Developing Trend of Clinical Sport Psychology

  17. 心理量表在运动心理学领域的应用状况分析

    An Analysis on Application of Psychological Scale in Sport Psychology

  18. 中国运动心理学发展若干问题的探讨

    An Approach on the Development of Sport Psychology in China

  19. 运动心理学教学课件的应用研究

    The Study of The Application to the Sport Psychology Courseware in Teaching

  20. 1993年国际运动心理学发展动态评述

    Review of 1993 development of Sport Psychology in the world

  21. 运动心理学史及其发展概述

    A Review of the History and Development of Sport Psychology

  22. 运动心理学及运动心理学技术体系初探

    Preliminary Study of Sports Psychology and the Technique System of Sports Psychology

  23. 第二是运动心理学工作者应该如何提供帮助。

    The second is how to offer help experts should .

  24. 时间知觉的研究进展及其对运动心理学研究的启示

    The Research Perspectives of Time Perception and Its Revelation in Sport Psychology

  25. 对心理唤醒概念的理解和界定,在运动心理学领域的研究非常重要。

    The domain of mental arousal is very important in sport psychology .

  26. 运动心理学研究的关键问题是理论导向。

    The key concern in sports psychology research is the theoretical orientation .

  27. 当代体育运动心理学跨文化研究述评

    A Review on Cross-Cultural Studies in Contemporary Sport Psychology

  28. 体育运动心理学研究的本土化思考

    Thinking of the Study on Indigenization of Sports Psychology

  29. 运动心理学领域流畅状态的研究进展

    Evolution of study on flow state in sports psychology

  30. 日本体育运动心理学的历史和动向

    History and tendencies of the psychology of physical culture and sports in Japan