
  • 网络MIAMI;Miami City;City of Miami
  1. 他还有另一个位于北迈阿密市的公寓,离海滩约3英里。

    Another of his listings is in North Miami , about three miles from the beach .

  2. 玛丽出生在古巴,两岁时举家搬迁到迈阿密市。

    Mary was born in Cuba and moved to Miami with her family when she was two years old .

  3. 杰布布什在他的家乡佛罗里达州迈阿密市宣布这一消息。他是两位前总统的儿子和弟弟。

    Mr Bush , the son and brother of two former presidents , spoke in his hometown of Miami , Florida .

  4. 迈阿密市有一个被称为小海地的地区,居住在那里的人们跟海地文化保持的密切联系。

    The city of Miami has a neighborhood known as little Haiti . People who live there keep close ties to Haitian culture .

  5. 儿童银行在迈阿密市第一国家银行设有一个特别的账户,其全部的存款和贷款之数额家当全在上面。

    The children 's bank is equipped with a special account in the Miami first state bank , its complete deposit and amount of family belongings loan all in above .

  6. 佛罗里达州是海地人最大的海外聚居地,迈阿密市有个名为小海地的社区,住在这里的人们与海地文化保持着密切联系。

    The state of Florida is home to one of the largest populations of Haitians outside of Haiti . The city of Miami has a neighborhood known as Little Haiti . People who live there keep close ties to Haitian culture .

  7. 虽然亚大兰大和迈阿密两市的贫富差距与华盛顿相当,但其贫富不均的情况却不如华盛顿明显。

    The income gap is also big in Atlanta and Miami , but the difference is not as pronounced .

  8. 一九五八年十月二十八日,高球选手山姆.史尼德在美国佛州迈阿密泉市一个高尔夫球场上摇呼啦圈。

    Golfer Sam Snead gyrates with a Hula Hoop on a golf course in Miami Springs , Florida , US , on Oct.28,1958 .

  9. 贬低你配偶的家庭或职业角色非常残忍,弗罗里达迈阿密滩市心理治疗师M·加里·诺依曼说。

    Put-downs centered around your spouse 's family or occupational roles are particularly cruel , said M. Gary Neuman , a psychotherapist based in Miami Beach , Florida .

  10. 联合国(un)《2003年人类发展报告》(humandevelopmentreport)显示,除美国迈阿密以外,多伦多市生于国外的居民数量,超过世界上其它任何城市。

    According to the 2003 United Nations human development report , Toronto has more residents born outside the country than any other city in the world , except Miami .

  11. 应用迈阿密模型分析宁德市土地气候生产潜力

    Using the model of Miami to analyse the land climate productive potentialities of Ningde City