
guò kè
  • Passerby;passing traveller;transient guest;bird of passage
过客 [guò kè]
  • [passing traveller] 过路的人

  • 穰岁之秋,疏客必食。非疏骨肉,爱过客也,多少之实异也。--《韩非子.五蠹》

过客[guò kè]
  1. 也许萍水相逢,或许红尘过客。

    Maybe we meet by chance , or passing traveller of human society .

  2. 世间没有什么值得我们伤心的,因为我们只是一个匆匆的过客而已。

    It is sad not to deserve us in this world , because we are only a transient guest hurriedly .

  3. 这些移民大多数都是作短暂停留后即返回西班牙的匆匆过客。

    Most of these emigrants were birds of passage who returned to Spain after a relatively short stay .

  4. 或许hiv只是一个过客病毒。(不引起疾病),这个过客利用了免疫系统因其他因子而起的缺陷?

    Perhaps HIV was merely a passenger that took advantage of an immune system weakened by another cause ?

  5. Russell说,他们因此常常假装没有认出曾经擦肩而过的某个人,以免显得对偶遇的过客过分热情。

    For this reason , says Russell , they often compensate by pretending not to recognize someone they met in passing , so as to avoid appearing to attribute undue importance to a fleeting encounter .

  6. 也许,我只是你人生旅途中的一个匆匆过客。

    Maybe I 'm just your life journey of a passer-by .

  7. 它将在其他某个地方再次出现,其他的过客会到来的。

    It will reappear somewhere else , other passers will come .

  8. 此时此刻,重新融入文明生活,我仍像匆匆过客,一如往昔。

    At the present I am sojourner in civilized life again .

  9. 我们都是一小块土地上的过客。

    We are all fellow passengers on a dot of earth .

  10. 人类不再是地球上另一匆匆的过客。

    Humanity is no longer just another passenger on planet Earth .

  11. 那个金发女孩只是生命中的过客。

    Bet that blonde was a real shot of life .

  12. 生命中遇到的大多数人都不过是过客而已,来了又去

    Many people will walk in and out of your life

  13. 在我住进去之前你们是否检查过客房?

    Woman Did you have the room checked before we moved in ?

  14. 我终究也只能以一个过客的姿态游走。

    After all , I can only walk with a passing gesture .

  15. 此一过客返回了飞船并说:「现在正是我要离去的时候。

    The stranger returned and said " Now I must fly " .

  16. 必须承认,困难是我们生命中的一个个过客,就像其他东西一样。

    We must recognize that difficulties pass like everything else in life .

  17. 我是否也该以一个过客的姿态游走。

    I also take it to a passing gesture to the walk .

  18. 你们一定不愿意有过客打扰,先生。

    You don 't want to be bothered with strangers , sir .

  19. 冰冷的石座椅早已被无数的过客磨得平滑无比。

    The seat was cold stone , polished smooth by countless bottoms ;

  20. 所有的幻觉被现实打败,才懂得,我们终究是过客。

    All illusion defeated by reality , I know that we are passing .

  21. 你,我都是之间的过客。

    You , I am it the traveler of .

  22. 参考《进退两难的爱滋病:归咎于一个过客病毒的药物病毒》。

    See The AIDS Dilemma : Drug diseases blamed on a passenger virus .

  23. 我当时也是以为我是过客。

    I also thought I was just passing through .

  24. 他们可能只是生命中的过客。

    They may just be a friend for life .

  25. 人生苦短,我们只是过客。

    We are only here for a short time .

  26. 又在什么时候表现得像个过客?

    And when have I behaved as a Vacationer ?

  27. 不过,这一次男孩并不认识那名过客是谁。

    But this time the boy didn 't know who the traveler was .

  28. 我们的宿命只是两个过客。

    Our destiny is only two transient guests .

  29. 黄昏,我才意识到,自己才是世界的过客。

    At dusk , I realize I have been the passerby of the world .

  30. 她只是一个过客

    She 's just a woman passing through .