
ɡuò jìnɡ yùn shū
  • transit transport;traffic in transit
  1. 中亚与世界市场的过境运输连接技术会议;

    Technical meeting on central asia 's transit transport links with world markets ;

  2. 过境运输合作问题部长级会议

    Ministerial Meeting on Transit Transport

  3. 过境运输作为一个特许系统旨在便利交易的进行。

    Transit is a concession system aimed at facilitating trade .

  4. 解析俄欧能源合作中的过境运输问题

    Problems of Border-crossing Transport in Russo-European Energy Cooperation

  5. 提前通知内部部门关于过境运输中的某个包裹或货件的已更改状态

    Proactively notify internal departments about the changed status of a package or shipment in transit

  6. 开展中印俄三边能源合作的几点思考解析俄欧能源合作中的过境运输问题

    Exploring the Chance of China-India-Russia Trilateral Cooperation on Energy ; Problems of Border-crossing Transport in Russo-European Energy Cooperation

  7. 更为准确地说,他建议乌克兰与白俄罗斯应在与俄罗斯进行天然气过境运输谈判方面协调政策。

    Rather more modestly , he suggested that Ukraine and Belarus should co-ordinate their policies over transporting Russian gas .

  8. 港口状况的改善与国家经济发展息息相关,同时吸引过境运输货流也是重要方面。

    Improvement of the ports closely linked with the national economic development and volume of transit consignment of goods .

  9. 当过境运输的香烟没有到达它们声称要到达的目的地并在黑市被免税销售时,欺诈便出现了。

    Fraud occurs when the transit cigarettes do not arrive at their declared destination , but are sold without taxes on the black market .

  10. 然而,在此类过境运输中,可以征收仅仅为了过境需要而支付的监管费用的税款。

    Nevertheless , on such traffic intransit there may be levied dues intended solely to defray expenses ofsupervision and administration entailed by such transit .

  11. 相互间经贸合作规模很小,合作形式单一,主要局限于商品贸易、过境运输等方面。

    Their economic and trade cooperation , small in scale and single in form , was mainly limited in commodity trade and transit transportation , etc.

  12. 免税商品最可能在过境运输中得以购买到。刺绣和丝绸是丝绸之路上运输的主要商品。

    Tax-free cigarettes are most often bought ' in transit ' . and silk and embroidery were the main products transported along the ancient Chinese Silk Road .

  13. 我们为客户提供特种运输所需要的车辆及其相关的增值服务,例如气囊车运输、管和过境运输等。

    Our customers may also enjoy the availability of our vehicles for special carriages and associated services for value adding , such as air-suspension carriage , bonded carriage and border-crossing , etc.

  14. 分析了青岛优越的港湾条件,独特的地理位置和良好的国际环境,进一步论证了青岛港在形成集装箱的国际过境运输和转口运输中心的优势,认为青岛港将形成集装箱运输的枢纽扣心。

    The favourable harbour and port condition , the unique location and fine international environment of Qingdao are analysed and the advantage of Qingdao harbour in the formation of center for container international transit is proved .

  15. 然而,该项目得到了欧洲东南部几个国家的支持,他们认为这条管道有利于自己的能源安全,也期待获利于俄罗斯天然气的过境运输费。

    However , the project was backed by several countries in south-eastern Europe , which saw it as improving their energy security . They also looked forward to earning money from transit fees for Russian gas crossing their territory .

  16. 中国内地与香港铁路过境货物运输的现状与前景

    Current Situation and Prospects of Cross Border Railway Freight Transportation Between

  17. “承运入”指经国家运输主管部门批准从事过境货物运输业务的企业。

    " Carriers " means the enterprises which are approved by the competent transportation authorities to be engaged in transit goods transportation business .

  18. 他表情平静而坚决地要求俄罗斯政府就白俄罗斯过境石油运输产生的问题,与俄罗斯公司讨论减少石油输出的可能性。

    Looking calm and resolute , he told his government to discuss with Russian companies the possibility of reducing oil output in connection with the problems arising from transit through Belarus .

  19. 装载过境动物的运输工具、装载容器、饲料和铺垫材料,必须符合中国动植物检疫的规定。

    The means of transport , containers , feeding stuffs and bedding materials for the animals in transit must all conform to China 's regulations on animal and plant quarantine .

  20. 内陆和过境发展中国家与捐助国及国际金融和发展机构关于过境运输合作问题的国际部长级会议;

    International Ministerial Meeting of landlocked and transit developing countries and donor countries and international financial and development institutions on transit transport cooperation ;