
  • 网络Surplus Economy
  1. 过剩经济:特点、成因及对策

    Surplus Economy : Characteristics , Reasons , and Approaches

  2. 同时,指出了过剩经济的中国特色。

    The chapter also points out the Chinese characteristics of the surplus economy .

  3. 论过剩经济环境下的饭店业发展战略

    On Developmental Strategies of Hotel Industry in Oversupply Economy

  4. 过剩经济时空运行规律初探

    Explore Law of Time and Space at Economic Surplus

  5. 相对过剩经济条件下的失业及其治理

    Unemployment under Relative Surplus Economy and Its Solutions

  6. 过剩经济状况下企业的经营取向

    Enterprises ' Manage Direction under the Surplus Economy

  7. 过剩经济与我国工业制成品出口产业结构动态优化

    Excess Economy and Dynamic Optimization of Export Industry Structure of China Industry Manufactured Products

  8. 过剩经济与我国出口主导产业选择

    Excess Economy and Choice if Principal Export Industry

  9. 过剩经济下的消费方式创新

    Innovation of Consumption Pattern under Surplus Economy

  10. 对我国目前过剩经济的若干思考

    Some Opinions on Our Present Excessive Economy

  11. 这就使得信用成为中国商品相对过剩经济时期最稀缺的资源。

    Then credit becomes the scarcest resource during the China commodities comparatively overmuch economy period .

  12. 过剩经济对商品市场的影响分析与对策

    Impacts of Surplus Economy on Commodity Market

  13. 市场格局由短缺经济时代的卖方市场逐步向过剩经济时代的买方市场转变,市场竞争日益激烈化。

    The market structure has changed from sellers'market of shortage economy to buyers'market of surplus economy .

  14. 难道我们真的已经从短缺经济转变为过剩经济?

    Is it real that China has got into the excess economy from the short one ?

  15. 相对过剩经济与企业营销行为的选择

    Marketing under Relative Surplus Economy

  16. 过剩经济研究综述

    The Summarize Surplus Economy Research

  17. 在过剩经济条件下,对利润的转移规律的研究越发重要。

    Under surplus economy , it becomes increasingly important to conduct research on the law of profit shift .

  18. 从长远来看,过剩经济仍将是中国长期面临的经济困境。

    In the long run , surplus economy will be the enduring plight haunting China 's economic development .

  19. 改革开放以来,中国经济已经逐渐步入到过剩经济。

    China 's economy has gradually stepped into the surplus one since the reform and open-door policy was carried out .

  20. 我国的产业结构调整面临三大压力:即国际竞争的压力,过剩经济的压力,劳动就业的压力。

    Chinese industrial structure adjustment is faced with three kinds pressure : international competition , economical overplus , employment stress .

  21. 研究认为,第一,在信贷市场从短缺经济走向过剩经济的情况下,服务溢价成为关键性环节;

    First , service premium is a key issue of credit market with the transition from shortage economy to surplus one .

  22. 用买方市场、过剩经济、有效需求不足和通货紧缩来概括我国的宏观经济形势都存在一定程度的欠缺。

    Buyer 's market , excess economy , inadequacy of effective demand , and currency deflation are insufficient to generalize Chinese macroeconomic situation .

  23. 我国经济发展目前已由卖方市场转为买方市场,由短缺经济过渡到过剩经济。

    At present , our economical development has turned from market of seller to market of buyer , from inadequate economy to excessive economy .

  24. “以人为本”是现代过剩经济、客户经济、知识经济条件下企业经营管理思想及实践的必然选择。

    It is an inevitable choice for business management and operation under the current conditions of surplus economy , customer economy and knowledge economy .

  25. 在过剩经济条件下,解决中国装备制造业自主创新实现市场收益最大化的前提条件问题。

    In excess of economic conditions , the solution to of prerequisite problem for maximize market profits of independent innovation of equipment manufacturing industry .

  26. 过剩经济运行,在历史发展史上大体有四种不同的过剩类型,过剩经济具有时段性,即存在过剩经济期。经济的持续发展,总是在过剩经济期过后产生新一轮过剩经济期。

    Economic surplus have four period in the develop stage of history and often have crossing operation phenomena , and have generation or trade character .

  27. 在经济全球化和过剩经济条件下,区域可持续发展必须建立在个人与企业持久发展的基础之上。

    Regional sustainable development must be founded on the sustained development of its individuals and enterprises under the circumstance of economic globalization and surplus economy .

  28. 中国经济已从短缺经济进入到过剩经济,扩大内需已成为当前宏观经济政策的基本取向。

    As economy in China has been into the state of surplus from shortage , the demand expansion is now the main trend of macroeconomic policy .

  29. 根据过剩经济的特点和近几年来中国经济运行的现实,可以判定,过剩经济在我国已客观存在;

    Surplus economy has existed in China for some time according to the characteristics of surplus economy and the reality of China 's economy in recent years .

  30. 在过剩经济条件下,消费者的选择成为决定企业能否生存和增长的关键,而品牌又极大地影响了消费者的选择。

    In modern times the choice of consumer is the key to the growth of the firm , and brand has affected the choice behavior of consumers greatly .