
  • 网络Dalaran;Dlrn
  1. 无头骑士的缰绳可以在达拉然使用。

    The Horseman 's Reins should again function in Dalaran .

  2. 鲜鱼大餐的配方现在可以用5个达拉然烹饪代币兑换。

    The recipe for the Fish Feast is now available for Dalaran Cooking Award x5 .

  3. 达拉然光辉-奥术光辉的装饰版。

    Dalaran Brilliance-Cosmetic version of Arcane Brilliance .

  4. 他将所有的血精灵士兵监禁在了达拉然的地牢里,并宣判他们死刑。

    He imprisoned the hapless blood elf soldiers in the dungeons of Dalaran and sentenced them to death .

  5. 在达拉然里是不能用飞行坐骑的。

    For the time being , it is intended that you cannot fly within the city of Dalaran .

  6. 达拉然竞技场的大小跟刀锋山竞技场差不多,但是也有一些其独一无二的特征。

    It will be around the same size as the Blade 's Edge arena but have several unique features .

  7. 达拉然当然就在那里,所以我们可以看见紫罗兰城应该回归,或者会有另一个法师世界。

    Dalaran will be up there , of course , so we 'll either see the Violet Citadel make a return , or another Mage-based faction .

  8. 一个新的商人会出现在达拉然的铭文商店,她将以一瓶海洋墨水的价格出售几乎所有的铭文墨水。

    Jessica Sellers , a new vendor in the Dalaran inscription shop , will sell most inscription inks for the cost of one Ink of the Sea .

  9. 许多初出茅庐的巫师离开了压抑的激流城来到达拉然,期望在这里能更自由地使用他们新得到的力量。

    Many fledgling wizards left the restraining confines of Strom behind and traveled to Dalaran , where they hoped to use their new powers with greater freedom .

  10. 麦迪文教了他狮鸠骑术之后,他也考虑过骑着一匹狮鸠飞回达拉然,降落在紫罗兰城顶部,好向他的前导师和同僚们炫耀一下他的本领。

    He had thought to fly back on a gryphon , as Medivh had taught him , and land atop the Violet Citadel so that all his former teachers and fellows could marvel at his prowess .

  11. 在达拉然下水道,刀锋山,勇武环,你可以给开风暴的战士拉下去,不过记得看根基图腾和法术反射。

    When in Dalaran , Blade 's Edge , and Ring of Valor , you 're able to Death Grip the Warrior off a pillar or ledge during the Bladestorm , but you have to watch for a Grounding Totem and Spell Reflect .