
Dá ěr wén zhǔ yì
  • Darwinism
  1. 从拉马克进化论、达尔文主义、ID论,到生命信息进化论,是一个不断进化着的关于宇宙中进化现象的理论序列。

    It is a continually evolving theoretical sequence about evolution phenomenon in universe from Lamarck 's evolutionism , Darwinism , ID theory to life information evolutionism .

  2. ID运动没有全盘的否定达尔文主义,也不否定进化现象的存在,而是批评达尔文及其追随者把自然选择和随机突变作为进化现象最主要的、甚至唯一的根源。

    The ID movement neither completely denied Darwinism , nor denied the existence of evolution , however , it mostly criticized Darwin and his adherents regard natural selection and random mutation as the uppermost and only root of evolution .

  3. 模因是新达尔文主义者Dawkins提出的假设,用来解释人类文化进化的规律。

    Meme is the supposition presented by Dawkins , a Neo-Darwinist , to explain the evolution law of human beings . new variables are introduced .

  4. 论法律的作用分析了基于拉马克主义的进化学习策略(简称LELS)和基于达尔文主义的进化学习策略(简称DELS)的异同;

    On the Effect of Law The Lamarckian evolution learning strategy ( LELS ) and Darwinian evolution learning strategy ( DELS ) are discussed in terms of their similarities and differences in learn - ing implementation .

  5. 这句口号和后来的社会达尔文主义种族观几有遥相呼应之势。

    It struck powerful echoes in a time of social Darwinist racism .

  6. 达尔文主义正在表现出相同的负面效应。

    The Darwinism also shows the same negative effect now .

  7. 建筑达尔文主义&评雷姆·库哈斯的建筑思想及作品

    Architecture Darwinism : comment on architecture thoughts and works of Rem · koolhaas

  8. 匹兹堡的工人充分地体会到卡耐基冷酷无情的达尔文主义。

    His workers in Pittsburgh felt the full force of his pitiless Darwinism .

  9. 这种达尔文主义的选择如今更显重要。

    Such Darwinian choices are even more essential now .

  10. 1859年,达尔文发表《物种起源》,达尔文主义由此诞生。

    In 1859 , Darwin published " Origin of Species ," Darwinism was born .

  11. 达尔文主义与苔丝悲剧的社会性

    Darwinism and the Sociality of Tess 's Tragedy

  12. 他创作的第一阶段主要受赫伯特·斯宾塞及其他社会达尔文主义者的影响。

    The first period witnessed the influence from Herbert Spencer and other Social Darwinists .

  13. 达尔文主义同左翼思想自然是格格不入的。

    Darwinism is naturally repugnant to leftwing thought .

  14. 社会达尔文主义在《嘉莉妹妹》中的反映

    Social Darwinism as Seen in Sister Carrie

  15. 美的体验是整个达尔文主义适应过程中的一个成份。

    The experience of beauty is one component in a whole series of Darwinian adaptations .

  16. 他受相面法和­社会达尔文主义的理论影响甚深。

    His works were deeply influenced by physiognomy and other theories elaborated by social darwinism .

  17. 社会达尔文主义者相信我们可以拿人类社会比作动物世界。

    Social Darwinists believe that we can compare our human society to the animal world .

  18. 达尔文主义不是终极的进化理论

    Darwinism is not a Culminate Evolutionism

  19. 威尔斯的第一部小说,这是一个达尔文主义演变到极端的故事。

    G.Wells 's first novel , is a tale of Darwinian evolution taken to its extreme .

  20. 另一方面,我们必须留心对于达尔文主义的一个很普遍的误解。

    On the other hand , we must beware of a very common misunderstanding of Darwinism .

  21. 自由派对网瘾的辩护充斥着精英主义,甚至潜意识中有极端达尔文主义倾向。

    The liberals'defense of the Internet smacks of elitism , and subconsciously , even extreme Darwinism .

  22. 在这一过程中,严复及其引进的社会达尔文主义思想起了最主要的作用。

    Yan Fu and his introduction of social Darwinism played a leading role during this course .

  23. 威尔斯小说反映出的社会达尔文主义思想体现出了深刻的哲理,推断和见解。

    Social Darwinism thoughts in Wells ' fiction reflect his profound philosophy , speculation and insights .

  24. 按照小群突变的新达尔文主义来推断人类进化,既缺乏事实根据,也有悖于逻辑推理。

    It is not factual or logical to deduce human evolution according to Neo-Darwinisms minority mutation .

  25. 要达尔文主义,还是要社会责任?

    Darwinism or social responsibility ?

  26. 达尔文主义与分子进化论

    Darwinism and molecular evolution

  27. 当行为复杂的动物演变了,进化就不断地从达尔文主义者的书中跳出来。

    When animals with complex behavior evolved , evolution began to break out of its Darwinian straight jacket .

  28. 她的思想的主要来源是人本宗教、实证主义和达尔文主义。

    The major sources of her thought are : feuerbach 's religion of humanity , positivism and darwinism .

  29. 因此本文最主要的论题就是该书中的达尔文主义观点。

    So , the main attention of this paper is on the relationship between the book and Darwinism .

  30. 这种矛盾是社会达尔文主义与伦理道德为本位的中国传统文化的矛盾反映,是进化论的先进成分和中国伦理道德积极方面结合的困难和曲折表现。

    This kind of contradiction is the reflection of the contradiction between social Darwinism and China 's traditional culture .