
cí zhí xìn
  • resignation;Letter of Resignation;RESIGNATION LETTER;notice
  1. 那记者显然弄到了史蒂夫辞职信的复印件。

    The reporter apparently obtained a copy of Steve 's resignation letter

  2. 凯利先生把辞职信寄到了琼斯先生的内部邮箱里。

    Mr Kelly posted his resignation letter to Mr Jones in the internal mail box .

  3. 我周六递交了辞职信。

    I handed my notice in on Saturday

  4. 在他的辞职信中,摩根称重组“不可行”。

    In his resignation letter , Morgan called the reorganization " unworkable " .

  5. 现在我要返回华盛顿向总统递交辞职信。

    Now I 'm headed back to Washington to hand the President my resignation .

  6. 乔布斯在辞职信中表示,他不再能履行作为苹果CEO职责的这一天终于来了。

    In his resignation letter , Jobs said , the day finally came when he could no longer perform his duties .

  7. 在IMF周四发表的辞职信中,卡恩表示,他将以“最坚定的态度”否认对他的指控。

    He said in a resignation letter released Thursday by the IMF that he denies the charges " with the greatest possible

  8. 就在那时,Ames听到了最不近人情的话语“我认为你最好还是回家和宝宝在一起吧”,然后经理就递给Ames一支笔让她写辞职信。

    That is when she heard the famous line , " I think it 's best you go home and be with your babies , " and was handed a pen and paper to write her letter of resignation .

  9. 我的辞职信你还没写好呢。

    I think you have a letter to draft for me .

  10. 我知道,我刚刚写完辞职信。

    I know . I just finished writing my letter of resignation .

  11. 我一写好他的辞职信他就去。

    As soon as I write his letter of resignation .

  12. 在这种情况下,你应该写辞职信。

    In this case , you should be writing a resignation letter .

  13. 上个星期我已经把辞职信交给我们老板。

    I have given my resignation letter to our boss last Friday .

  14. 男:我必须把辞职信交上去了。

    M : I have to send in my paper .

  15. 在我提交辞职信一星期后吧!

    One week after I have submitted my resignation paper .

  16. 他起草了辞职信。

    He drafted ( out ) his letter of resignation .

  17. 是的,我这么做了但是只得到一封辞职信。

    Yes , I did so but only got a dismissal letter .

  18. 他向董事长写了辞职信。

    He writes his letter of resignation to the chairman .

  19. 今年约翰逊收到了辞职信,阿克曼与罗斯蒙受了巨大损失。

    Johnson got fired this year ; ackman and Roth took big losses .

  20. 我在写辞职信时应该写些什么呢?

    What should I include in my resignation letter ?

  21. 有个员工烤了个蛋糕,把辞职信直接写在了蛋糕上。

    An employee baked a cake with her resignation letter written on top .

  22. 你一个小时内就会收到我的辞职信。

    You 'll have my resignation within the hour .

  23. 你想要我写辞职信么?

    Do you want my letter of resignation ?

  24. 写一封清楚、友好的辞职信。

    Write a clear , kind resignation letter .

  25. 你为什么递辞职信?

    Why did you hand in your resignation ?

  26. 确保辞职信上写上了日期。

    Make sure the letter is dated .

  27. 递交辞职信也就是,非情绪化的语气撰写。

    Hand In A Resignation Letter - Written in a professional , i.e. non-emotional manner .

  28. 我要递交辞职信。

    I want to tender my resignation .

  29. 那边的都是辞职信。

    Those are all the resignation letters .

  30. 我是时候离开了,这是我的辞职信。

    I think it 's about time for me to leave . Here 's my resignation .