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xīn hài
  • Xin Hai;48th year of the Sexagenary Cycle
辛亥 [xīn hài]
  • [the forty-eighth year in a cycle of sixty years] 六十甲子的第四十八位

  • 以辛亥三月二十九日围攻。--孙文《黄花冈七十二烈士事略.序》

  1. 袁世凯迅速篡夺了辛亥革命的胜利果实。

    Yuan Shikai quickly seized the fruits of the victory of the 1911 Revolution .

  2. 辛亥时期社会对青年现实价值的判断述论

    On Social Estimation of Chinese Youths ' Realistic Value around 1911

  3. 辛亥革命在烟台之成因探析

    Look into the Cause of Formation about Xinhai Revolution in Yantai

  4. 试论中国近代海军与辛亥革命

    On Ch in ese Modern Times Navy and the 1911 Revolution

  5. “程朱理学”在官场的统治地位一直到1911年辛亥革命爆发。

    it dominated official circles until the Republican Revolution of 1911 .

  6. 德国对辛亥革命的反应

    The reaction of Germany to the 1911 Revolution in China

  7. 对辛亥革命历史经验的新思考

    New Thoughts on Historical Experience of the Revolution of 1911

  8. 辛亥革命对中德关系的影响

    1911 Revolution in China & Relationship between China and Germany

  9. 辛亥武昌首义与武汉城市现代化

    Wuchang Uprising in 1911 and the Urban Modernization of Wuhan

  10. 论辛亥革命前张謇的政治思想及其实践

    On Zhang Jian 's Political Thoughts and Practice Before the 1911 Revolution

  11. 辛亥革命与近代科学传播

    The 1911 Chinese Revolution and the Spread of Modern Science

  12. 维新运动与辛亥革命的历史回顾与分析

    Review and Analysis of the Xinhai Revolution and Weixin Campaign

  13. 论辛亥革命的现代化意义

    Discussing On the Modernization Meaning of the Revolution of 1911

  14. 云南重九起义在辛亥革命中的地位

    The Place of Yunnan " Chong Jiu Uprising " in XinHai Revolutions

  15. 论辛亥革命前批判理性的成长

    The Growth of Chinese Critical Rationality before the 1911 Revolution

  16. 论孙中山实现国家统一的思想&纪念辛亥革命九十周年

    On Sun Yat - sen 's Concept of Reunification of the Country

  17. 辛亥革命准备时期的历史教育

    History Education during Preparing Period for the Revolution of 1911

  18. 论辛亥革命前资产阶级拟订商法的活动

    The Bourgeois Drafting of Commercial Law Before the 1911 Revolution

  19. 辛亥革命与民国初年的北京大学

    Revolution of 1911 and Peking University in the Early Republic of China

  20. 论辛亥时期孙中山的民族认同

    On Sun Yat-sen 's National Thought In the Xin-hai Revolution

  21. 辛亥革命时期女性经济角色的变迁

    The Changes of Women 's Economic Roles during the Revolution of 1911

  22. 西北回族对辛亥革命的贡献&纪念辛亥革命九十周年

    Northwestern Hui nationality 's contribution to the Revolution of 1911

  23. 辛亥革命时期日本与革命党人的关系

    The relation between Japan and the revolutionist during Xinhai revolution

  24. 灾荒·长沙抢米风潮·辛亥革命

    Famine , Rice-Plundering Unrest in Changsha and Revolution in 1911

  25. 辛亥革命的历史条件与历史结局再认识

    The Historical Conditions and Outcomes of the Revolution in 1911

  26. 辛亥革命时期学术文化的变迁

    Changes of Academic Research during the Period of the Revolution of 1911

  27. 孙中山是辛亥革命的领导者。

    Sun Yat-sen was the leader who led the1911 Revolution .

  28. 匆忙的辛亥革命使民国政体组织成为首要问题。

    The Revolution of 1911 hastily made polity the first problem of China .

  29. 辛亥革命后,于1912年改为现名。

    After the Revolution , in1912 , now replaced .

  30. 辛亥革命前夕体育学校的兴起

    The Rise of Sports Schools on the Eve of the Revolution in 1911