
  • 网络blood transfusion
  1. 输血疗法在奶牛和犬疾病中的临床应用

    Clinical Application of Blood Transfusion Therapy in Diseases of Dairy Cow and Dog in Practice

  2. 结论运用去除白细胞输血疗法,可减少输血反应的发生,使白细胞引起的输血不良反应降至最低限度。

    Conclusions Blood transfusion with white blood cells filtered out may reduce the occurrence of transfusion reaction and the adverse reaction in blood transfusion caused by white blood cells may be reduced to the lowest degree .

  3. 因此,对于当前的形势,西班牙流感研究的作者相信输血疗法是值得期待的。

    So the authors of the Spanish flu study believe blood product therapy has promising implications for the current situation .

  4. 随着人口的老龄化的加剧以及尖端医疗技术的发展,成分输血疗法的需求也在不断增长。

    As the population gets older and more sophisticated medical practices are developed , the need for blood component therapy will grow as well .

  5. 一旦怀疑是溶血反应,治疗应包括停用可以药物及输血等支持疗法。

    Once a haemolytic reaction is suspected , management should include the cessation of the drugs in question and transfusion support .