
  • 网络Transfusion Therapy
  1. 工业城市地中海贫血患儿输血治疗的血源性铅暴露

    Lead Exposure from Transfusion Therapy in Children with Thalassemia in Industrial City

  2. 凡发生大量消耗预计,输血治疗,术前应开始保持充足的氧气输送。

    Where significant volume depletion is expected , transfusion therapy should begin preoperatively to maintain adequate oxygen delivery .

  3. 两组输血治疗缺铁性贫血副作用发生例数比较P值<0.05,有显著差异。

    Their side effect occurrence number were compared P < 0.05 , showed eminent difference .

  4. 目的观察去铁胺(DF)对重度珠蛋白生成障碍性贫血(β地中海贫血,β地贫)患儿长期采用输血治疗后铁负荷过多的驱铁作用。

    Objective To evaluate the effect of the intermittent deferomamine ( DF ) therapy on relieving iron overload caused by transfusion in children with β thalassemia .

  5. 直接包扎组61例患者术后1例发生大出血,需要重新包扎并输血治疗,2例发生直径≥5cm的血肿,1例发生假性动脉瘤,总出血并发症为4例,发生率为6.6%;

    In direct bandaging group 1 patient had severe hemorrhage who required blood transfusion and bandaging again , 2 patients had hematoma (≥ 5 cm ), 1 patient had pseudoaneurysm , total hemorrhagic complication was 4 cases and the incidence was 6.6 % .

  6. 通过输血治疗镰状细胞病的一些严重的并发症。

    Are there other novel ways of treating sickle cell disease ?

  7. 1例双侧肾脏结石患者术后因为失血过多需要输血治疗。

    Patient with bilateral kidney stones need blood transfusion postoperation .

  8. 43例儿童溶血尿毒综合征的输血治疗

    Treatment of blood transfusion in 43 children with hemolytic-uremic syndrome

  9. 结果:进行宫内胎儿输血治疗7次后顺利分娩。

    Results After 7 transfusion , delivery successfully finished .

  10. 输血治疗越早效果越好。

    Early treatment was superior to later treatment .

  11. 宫内输血治疗胎儿水肿对胎儿脑容量及神经系统发育的远期影响

    Long-term neurodevelopmental outcome and brain volume after treatment for hydrops fetalis by in utero intravascular transfusion

  12. 成分输血治疗急性白血病并弥散性血管内凝血的疗效观察

    The Observation on Therapeutic Effects for Blood Component Transfusion Applied to Treat Acute Leukemia Complicated with DIC

  13. 成分输血治疗晚期血吸虫病78例护理体会

    Nursing experience of transfusion of blood component in treatment of advanced schistosomiasis : a report of 78 cases

  14. 目的:观察宫内胎儿输血治疗新生儿溶血病的临床效果。

    Purpose To observe the clinic curative effect of intrauterine fetal blood transfusion to neonatal RH hemolytic disease .

  15. 目的探讨红细胞悬液在外科手术输血治疗中的应用价值。

    Objective To research the applied value of erythrocyte suspending liquid in the therapy of transfusing blood of surgery .

  16. 结果患者的恐惧、紧张等不良心理有明显改善,顺利完成输血治疗。

    As a results , such poor mentality as terror and tension were improved so that the blood transfusion was successful .

  17. Blumberg's研究组发现首要的问题是一些研究包括数以百计的人从没有进行过输血治疗。

    The chief problem , Blumberg 's group discovered , was that some studies included hundreds of patients who never received blood transfusions .

  18. 或许,白求恩因为他首次把流动血站引进战场并在激烈战斗当中进行输血治疗而声名远播。

    Bethune is probably best known for his introduction of the mobile blood bank to the battlefield , and giving blood transfusions in the midst of heavy fighting .

  19. 近年来,由于外科手术和输血治疗的广泛开展,临床用血量逐年大幅度增长,达6%~8%。

    In recent years , on account of more cases of surgical operation and transfusion therapy , the clinical use of blood has increased by 6 % to 8 % each year .

  20. 目的观察早期简化手术辅以低温低分子右旋醣酐(低右)、丹参及少量多次输血治疗重症胰腺炎的疗效。

    Objective To observe the effect of acute severe pancreatitis ( ASP ) treated by early simplified operation , combined with hypothermia , low molecular dextran , danshen and blood transfusion ( OHLDB ) .

  21. 宫内胎儿输血术治疗Rh新生儿溶血病

    Neonatal Rh Hemolytic Disease Treated with Blood Transfusion to Intrauterine Fetal

  22. 目的了解成分输血在治疗急性白血病合并DIC的疗效。

    Objective To study the therapeutic effects of blood component transfusions on acute leukemia complicated with DIC .

  23. 结论早期诊断急性白血病并DIC,及时成分输血是治疗DIC的较好方法

    Conclusion Early diagnosis and blood component transfusions in timely are effective methods to treat the acute leukemia patients complicated with DIC

  24. 患者应用Procrit或者输血来治疗贫血。

    The patients received either Procrit or blood transfusions as necessary .

  25. 输血相关治疗费用中位数1302元,平均(1347±488)元。

    And the median related cost was 1 302 yuan , with an average of ( 1 347 ± 488 ) yuan in blood transfusion group .

  26. 当观察期限截止后,从信息科抽提所有数据,按性别、年龄、烧伤面积、烧伤深度、是否输血及治疗方式分组分别统计住院时间和直接住院成本分配情况。

    All cost data were abstract when the study was completed . Distribution of LOS and hospitalization costs were describe by sex , age , total burn area , depth of burn , blood transfusion or not and patterns of treatment .

  27. 淋巴循环变化在输血及输液治疗中的意义

    Significance of changes of lymph circulation during blood and liquid perfusion treatment

  28. 均经过补铁、输血和激素治疗;

    All were treated with iron supply , blood transfusion and hormone therapy .

  29. 目前治疗手段主要包括溶栓、抗凝、抗血小板、输血以及外科治疗。

    Current therapies for arterial ischemic stroke include thrombolytic , antithrombotic and antiplatelet agents , blood transfusion and surgery .

  30. 方法:在超声扫描导向下,经脐带血管行宫内胎儿输血术,治疗胎儿贫血、预防死胎。

    Methods To prevent neonatal anemia and dead fetus , we did blood transfusion from cord vessels under USG guiding .