- 【物】radiation pressure

Solar Radiation Pressure Models for the GPS Satellites
For the solar radiation pressure reflectance , the T3 model is introduced .
Another explanation for casimir effect is the radiation pressure theory . According to this theory , both inside and outside of metallic plate in vacuum is influenced by radiation pressure .
In Chapter two , considering the energy equation , we study this mechanism , and find that a thermal instability of a radiation pressure-supported SSD can trigger such a transition .
And this may be the mechanism for driving the strong stellar winds of RGB stars and AGB stars with very low surface temperature and faint radiation pressure . PRESSURE DROP OF VARIABLE MASS FLOW IN HORIZONTAL PERFORATED WELL BORE
The concept of the radiation pressure and its calculation
The radial-azimuthal instability of radiation - pressure - dominated accretion disk with advection
Research on the concept of the radiation pressure
A New Modeling of Solar Radiation Pressure
The concept of the radiation pressure and the physical essence of it are presented based on the photon gas .
Dust tails are created when small particles from a comet are swept backward by the Sun 's radiation pressure .
Optical tweezers is based on the radiation pressure . However , its application was realized after the born of the laser .
The radiation pressure supported thick accretion disk model has been studied more extensively , and it seems to have some difficulties .
The dynamical model included the effects of the earth non-spherical shape , atmospheric drag , solar radiation pressure as well as lunar and solar perturbations .
In order to effectively improve the ion acceleration energy and particle number , the current research in two directions , one laser , ultra-thin target , by using radiation pressure to accelerate to high energy ions .
Research on the effect of the influence of confining pressure on EME during the deformation and fracture of coal or rock mono-axial compressed
Investigation of Equation on State of Matters by Synchrotron Radiation in Combination with Diamond Anvil Cell Techniques
Effective photosynthetic radiation and deficient vapor pressure were the dominant environmental variables affecting the diurnal variation of sap flow density on sunny days .
Carbon assimilation rate have a polynomial related with photosynthetic effective radiation , deficient vapor pressure and temperature . It proves the relativity is obvious .
Sap flow was affected by various environmental factors , such as solar irradiation , vapor pressure deficit , stomatal conductance , wind speed , soil moisture and so on , but each factor has different influence degree on it in different months .
Study on the monitoring of acoustic emission and electromagnetic radiation on rock burst
Parameters , the initial values and forced values ( short-wave solar radiation , atmospheric long-wave radiation , vapor pressure , air temperature , horizontal wind speed , and precipitation . ) are obtained from the direct measurements .
We make a primary study to the capability of heat interchanger , influencing factor to the zero pressure surface , temperature distribution on the surface of radiant tube , influencing factor to nitrogen oxide emissions and the performance of lifting jet .