
  1. 730年妻子去世后,王维未再婚娶,将他的辋川庄地建为佛寺(清源寺)。

    After his wife 's death in 730 , he did not remarry and established a monastery on part of his estate .

  2. 王维最著名的诗歌《鹿柴》被收人《辋川集》。

    Wang Wei 's most famous poetry , such as the poem " Deer Park , " form a group titled Wang River Collection .

  3. 《辋川集》是研究王维诗歌以禅入诗艺术特色的重要作品。

    Wang Chuan Ji is one of the most important works in the study of the artistic characteristics of Wang Weis poetry with Buddhist tenets .

  4. 其价值是可以帮助恢复定位辋川的原貌,以及帮助了解裴迪和王维在辋川的居住地点。

    This value can help restore and locate the landscape of wang chuan and help to know the inhabitancy of Pei di and Wang wei in wang chuan .

  5. 笔者希望以历史环境变迁为角度、以辋川为例,分析关中地区千年来的环境变迁特点。

    Historical environmental changes as the angle , I want to rim ' for example , analysis of characteristics of thousands of years of environmental change in Guanzhong region .

  6. 其次,作为研究关中地区历史时期环境变迁的重要组成部分,辋川地区在历史时期的环境变迁是本论文的一个重点。

    Secondly , as part of the research history of environmental change important in Guanzhong region ' rim region in the history of environmental change is a major focus of this paper .

  7. 在唐代成为文人官员躲避都城长安官场的隐逸之所,不少文人在辋川及周边地区营建自己的别业或者别墅,如宋之问,王维及钱起等。

    Civilian officials from the capital of Chang-an official of the Tang dynasty hermit , wangchuan ' many scholars and building their villas in or around the Villa ' such as song Zhiwen , Wang Wei and money .