
  • 网络Auxiliary protection;secondary protection
  1. 本文还着重对母线保护中的一些辅助保护功能,如母联死区保护,TA断线,双母线的运行方式自适应等进行了研究。

    This paper also highlights some auxiliary protection functions , such as Busbar-tie dead-zone protection , TA secondary cable-broken , adaptive duo-buses operation , etc.

  2. 详细介绍奥迪A6轿车汽车乘员辅助保护系统(SupplementalRestraintSystem,即SRS)的特点、电路,总结了故障检修方法及故障码。

    This paper introduces the characteristics and circuits of the SRS on AUDI A6 and summarizes its fault inspection way and fault codes .

  3. CFB-1型辅助保护装置问题分析及改进方案

    Question analysis of CFB-1 auxiliary protective device and its improving scheme

  4. 目的:研究刺薏复方对辐射危害的辅助保护功能。

    Objective : To study the auxiliary protective effect of Ciyi compound .

  5. 人参复方口服液对辐射危害的辅助保护作用观察

    A study on assisting irradiation hazard protection function of panax ginseng mixture juice

  6. 保健品对胃黏膜损伤的辅助保护作用方法学研究

    Study of method for the assessment of assisting the protection of gastric mucosa function

  7. 关于主设备辅助保护的几点探讨

    Discussion on auxiliary protection of main equipment

  8. 基于硬件的信息辅助保护倒换

    Hardware-based message assisted protection switching

  9. 安全气囊作为安全带的辅助保护装置用来在汽车发生碰撞时使司机与乘员头部和胸部免受伤害。

    Air bags supplement the protection provided by safety belts by protecting the head and chest in moderate to severe front-end collisions .

  10. 施工右线隧道时,对左线隧道位移和深层沉降进行监测并采取选点注浆、架设支撑的辅助保护措施。

    During right tunnel construction , displacement and deep settlement of left tunnel are monitored , and assistant protection measures are adopted including points grouting and erecting supporting .

  11. 结论高雌激素水平对脂多糖诱导的急性肺损伤有保护作用,而低雄激素、高催乳素水平可能是对脂多糖诱导的急性肺损伤起辅助性保护性作用。

    Conclusion Low androgen , high estrogen and high prolactin can protect the LPS-induced ALI .

  12. 断路器作为电力系统的重要元件,其操作回路在断路器切断一次回路过程中起着重要的辅助和保护作用。

    As an important unit of electric power system , breaker ′ s operating circuit plays an important role of assisting and protecting in cutting off the primary circuit .

  13. 简要概述了其各个组成部分、调制器的高电位隔离、IGBT驱动电路、辅助供电以及保护电路的设计与原理。

    Principles of design of high voltage insulation , IGBT drive circuit , auxiliary power supply and the protection circuit are described .

  14. 为LSPC作为预防和治疗黑色素瘤的药物或辅助药物及保护皮肤的保健食品和化妆品的开发利用提供理论基础和科学依据。

    The studies provide theoretical foundation and scientific bases for using LSPC to develop medicines for preventing or curing skin melanoma and health food or cosmetics for protecting skin .

  15. 辅助谐振环保护的高强度气体放电灯电子镇流器

    Auxiliary resonant tank protected electronic ballasts for metal halide lamps

  16. 国产大型发电机-变压器组及辅助变压器微机保护的调试和运行

    Domestic large-scale microprocessor protection debugging and operation of generator transformer unit and its auxiliary transformer

  17. 交流辅助线继电保护;交流引线纵差继电保护

    AC pilot relaying pilot-wire protectio

  18. 它具有附随性、法定性、不确定性、辅助性和保护性等法律特征,有别于其他合同义务。

    The incidental liability is different from other liability of contract because it is incidental , legal , indefinite , auxiliary and protective .

  19. 本文首先列举了目前存在的保护技术,包括硬件辅助的软件保护技术,加壳技术,代码混淆技术,软件水印技术,防篡改技术等等。

    First this dissertation introduced some existing protection technologies , including : hardware assist-software protection , shell technology , obfuscation , software watermarking & tempering-proof technology .

  20. 前言:目的筛选抗肿瘤的辅助药物,保护在放疗和化疗中可能被损伤的正常造血细胞。

    Objective : To find the assistant drugs in anti tumour treatment , and protect the blood cell which is inhibited in the chemical treatment and radiation treatment of tumour .

  21. 总结出了无障碍家具的设计原则,并结合家具设计的概念,归纳出无障碍家具设计中无障碍性、辅助性、保护性等多个评估准则,主要强调使用者在使用上的便利。

    The design principles are summed up in combination with the concept of furniture design so that several evaluating principles in barrier-free design such as accessibility , assistance and protectiveness are concluded .

  22. 一支鞋在主刀和两把辅助刀的保护下,使初学者能够轻松的站立和行走,不会造成摔倒和踝关节损伤。

    Under the protection of the main blade and the two auxiliary blades , the beginner who wears the shoes can freely stand and walk and can not fall over and be injured in ankle joints .

  23. 分析滨海盐渍土对结构物的腐蚀影响,建立氯离子侵入混凝土模型,分析结构物暴露在盐渍土环境下的寿命,是辅助设计混凝土保护层的重要手段。

    It is very meaningful to analyze the corrosion influence of coastal saline soil on reinforced concrete , establish the numerical model concerning chloride ingress into concrete and predict the service life of structures exposed to saline soil since they are essential parts in designing concrete cover .

  24. 利用DNA指纹图谱辅助植物新品种保护的可能性

    DNA Fingerprint Profile Involved in Plant Variety Protection Practice

  25. 谷胱甘肽对T3期直肠癌新辅助化疗患者的保护作用

    Glutathione Provides Protection for Patients with T3 Stage Rectal Cancer During Neoadjuvant Chemotherapy

  26. 一种在直接试验中加入辅助开断装置保护的试验线路

    A Test Circuit Added Auxiliary Switchgear in Direct Text for Protection

  27. 辅助导线纵联保护装置我的助手将操纵录音机。

    Pilot-wire protectio My assistant will operate the tape-recorder .

  28. 装有雷达的惯性导航系统辅助导线纵联保护装置

    Radar-equipped inertial navigation system pilot-wire protectio

  29. 捷联式惯性导航设备辅助导线纵联保护装置

    Strapdown inertial navigation equipment pilot-wire protectio

  30. 从焊接辅助装置在气体保护焊中的应用看我国焊接自动化的发展

    Reviewing development of welding automation in our country from application of welding auxiliary device in mig / mag welding