- axial ratio

Good performances of Impedance Bandwidth , Axial Ratio , Gain and Phase center stability have been obtained by simulation of HFSS .
The simulation indicated that the polarization axial ratio and antenna gain pattern of this antenna are good for " BD-1 " signal and GPS signal .
The beamwidth in E-and H-planes can be individually controlled and wider coverage is obtained through adjusting the axial ratio of the ellipse .
Prediction and experimental research of grain axial ratio of Ti-15-3 alloy during hot deformation
The results show that there is a remarkable effect of additive concentration and pH of precursor on axial ratio of spindle α Fe 2O 3.The disintegration of spindle α Fe 2O 3 is observed with increase of additive concentration .
Addition of x volue reduces the crystal axis ratio a / c and the volume of tetragonal structure . As a result , it extendes the tetragonal antiferroelectric field that can transform into rhombohedral ferroelectric phase by electric field .
It is discovered by X ray diffraction analysis that the c / a ratio and carbon quantity of martensite in treated wearing surface is lower than those in untreated wearing surface , and cryogenic treatment can enforce MC to precipitate .
Results It was found that the nuclear area , perimeter , diameter and roundness in different groups of cervix cancer and cervix atypical hyperplasia were all significantly higher than those in normal control ( P0.05 ) .
The impedance bandwidth for VSWR ≤ 2 and circular polarization bandwidth for axial ratio AR ≤( 3 dB ) reaches 18.8 % and 12.3 % , respectively .
The gain and circular polarized axial-ratio of the crossed dipoles is calculated with the electromagnetic simulation software HFSS , the results indicate that the design is reasonable and practical .
Its radiation properties including radiation patterns , power gain and axial ratio are simulated using the software FEKO .
RESULTS : Depth dose and profile source calculations for 6-MV photon beams , for 3 standard square field sizes , were in good agreement with measurement .
The experimental results show that the frequency bandwidth is 22 . 4 % for a 3-dB axial ratio criterion and is 33.85 % for a VSWR < 2 criterion at the central frequency 10 GHz .
Using the developed software ( designated FD96 ) in stereotactic therapy , not only did we test and improve its functions , but also studied two key data figures in stereotactic therapy : off-axis ratio measurements and precision and accuracy of target points . 1 .
Preparation for Spherical and Low Axis Ratio Rodlike Barium Carbonate Nanoparticles
Measure and check the off-axis ratio of open and wedge fields
Revised numerical processing methods for depth dose and off axis ratio .
Axial Ration Optimization of Wide Scan Phased Array Antenne
The axis ratio was 1:1 . 32 , 1:1.65 , 1: 1.75 and 1: 1.86 respectively ;
Inappropriate intermediate blank form will enlarge the non-uniform extent and makes blank local gather or rupture .
OAR is 10.5 % , which was slightly better than 14 % of Fermi lab ′ sresult .
In reader antenna design , impedance characteristics , antenna gain and axial ratio are three key parameters .
The relation between elliptical polarization with axial ratio of radiation pattern for equiangular spiral antenna and its arm length
The reflection loss curve , radiation patterns , input impedance and axial ratio of the antenna were given .
Objective : To derive the energy spread function of the electron pencil beam model from the measured beam profiles .
The ion chamber and film were used as detector during the measurements of PDD , TMR and OAR , etc.
Compared with the results before correction , the bandwidth of the axial ratio increases from 16.2 % to 22.4 % .
Comparing the EM simulation and experiment results showes a good agreement in directivity pattern , VSWR and axial ratio of circular polarization .
The theoretical and experimental results are presented , which show the low axial ratio and low loss characteristics over octave frequency band of the polarizer .
We con - sider the elliptic curve a better shape by calculation and have studied proper long axes and the ratio between long and short axes .