
hōng zhà
  • bomb;bombardment
轰炸 [hōng zhà]
  • [bomb] 用炸弹袭击;往投弹;向投弹

  • 美军轰炸巴格达

轰炸[hōng zhà]
  1. 在我生长的伦敦,四周全是轰炸后的断壁残垣。

    In London , where I grew up , we were surrounded by bomb sites .

  2. 政府开始轰炸敌方的城市,使战争进一步扩大。

    The government escalated the war by starting to bomb enemy cities .

  3. 他们突然出击,轰炸了敌军的基地。

    They carried out a bombing raid on enemy bases .

  4. 为躲避轰炸,孩子们都撤离了伦敦。

    Children were evacuated from London to escape the bombing .

  5. 遭轰炸袭击之后,至少有300名平民下落不明。

    At least 300 civilians are unaccounted for after the bombing raids .

  6. 轰炸的消息使和平的希望全部破灭。

    News of the bombing extinguished all hope of peace .

  7. 在轰炸中,只有一座房子幸免。

    During the bombing only one house was spared .

  8. 他们同意停止大规模轰炸。

    They agreed to desist from the bombing campaign .

  9. 文章发表后,这家报纸受到了愤怒读者的电邮轰炸。

    The newspaper was mail-bombed by angry readers after the article was published .

  10. 飞行员准确地轰炸了战略目标。

    The pilots bombed strategic targets with pinpoint accuracy .

  11. 这座城市在战争中遭到了猛烈轰炸。

    The city was heavily bombed in the war .

  12. 那座城市遭受猛烈轰炸。

    The city was subjected to heavy bombing .

  13. 他们轰炸了军事和民用目标。

    They bombed military and civilian targets .

  14. 那座城市受到猛烈轰炸。

    The city came under heavy bombardment .

  15. 恐怖分子轰炸了几处兵营。

    Terrorists bombed several army barracks .

  16. 为了尽量减低附带性破坏,轰炸须做到最大程度的精确。

    To minimize collateral damage maximum precision in bombing was required .

  17. 俄国人必须俯冲轰炸那些城市才能重新获得控制权。

    The Russians had to dive-bomb the cities to regain control .

  18. 轰炸的范围远远大于军方愿意承认的范围。

    The bombing has been far more widespread than the military will admit

  19. 首都仍在遭受叛军的持续轰炸。

    The capital is still under constant bombardment by the rebel forces .

  20. 那份声明似乎是专门就联合轰炸任务的批评作出反击。

    That statement seemed designed to answer criticism of allied bombing missions .

  21. 数周的空中轰炸已经摧毁了许多工厂和公路。

    Weeks of aerial bombardment had destroyed factories and highways

  22. 他们看见一架政府战斗机连番低空轰炸。

    They saw a government war plane make a series of low-level bombing raids .

  23. 轰炸导致公路和铁路都无法通行。

    Bombing had made roads and railways unusable .

  24. 叛军的炮兵部队经常轰炸机场。

    Rebel artillery units have regularly bombarded the airport

  25. 轰炸的速度明显慢了下来。

    The rate of bombing has slowed considerably

  26. 二战中遭到轰炸的那座宫殿依然矗立着。

    The palace , which was damaged by bombs in World War II , still stood

  27. 空军的喷气式飞机轰炸了该机场。

    Airforce jets bombed the airport .

  28. 对轰炸记忆犹新的埃莉诺变得越来越焦躁不安。

    With the memory of the bombing fresh in her mind , Eleanor became increasingly agitated .

  29. 这次轰炸看起来意在切断德国和占领法国的德军部队之间的补给线。

    The bombing campaign appears aimed at cutting the supply lines between Germany and its army in occupied France .

  30. 飞机看起来好像要俯冲下来轰炸小镇,所以我们赶紧蹲下躲避。

    It seemed that the plane was going to swoop down and strafe the town , so we dived for cover .