
  • 网络soft rubber
  1. 软质的硅橡胶在接触皮肤时不会有不适感,而框架的这种“带状”设计也只对面颊产生轻微的压力作用。

    Its soft silicone rubber curves have been designed to feel comfortable on your skin while the ' wire ' design promises to place only gentle pressure on your cheeks .

  2. 用软质锤子(橡胶或木质)将损坏的节流棒敲出节流棒槽足够的距离,一致可以方便的拆卸下。

    Strike out enough distance in restrictor bar groove with a soft hammer ( rubber or wooden ) so that the damaged restrictor bar can be dismantled easily .

  3. 凡是硬件,如铁椅、铁桌、铁货架等,须将其脚用软质塑料或橡胶包裹以免在使用过程中划伤地面;

    Wrap with soft plastic or rubber all the feet of the hard furniture such as steel chair , steel desk , steel shelf to avoid damage the epoxy floor .