
  • 网络soft wheat
  1. 加工软质小麦时提高精粉比例的措施

    Measures for Increasing Fine Flour Yield in Soft Wheat Processing

  2. 溶剂保持力在软质小麦品质评价中的应用

    Application of Solvent Retention Capacity in Soft Wheat Quality Evaluation

  3. 软质小麦品质性状与酥性饼干品质参数的关系研究

    Relationship between Soft Wheat Quality Traits and Cookie Quality Parameters

  4. 软质小麦与硬质小麦的籽粒结构比较研究

    Studies on the Comparison of Kernel Structure of Soft Wheat and Hard Wheat

  5. 软质小麦品质与饼干烘焙品质关系的研究

    The Relationship Between the Quality Character of Soft Wheat and Biscuit Baking Property

  6. 另外,小包装混合调料工业也大量使用软质小麦面粉。

    Large quantities of soft wheat flour are used by the packaged mix industry .

  7. 软质小麦品种饼干品质评价

    Cookie Quality Evaluation of Soft Wheat Cultivars

  8. 软质小麦品质的辅助选择

    Assistant Selection on Quality of Soft Wheat

  9. 评价方法是制约国内软质小麦品质研究的重要因素。

    Evaluation method has become a limiting factor for soft wheat research and development in China .

  10. 不过,其它品种的小麦,如芝加哥软质小麦,成交价要低得多。

    However , other strains , such as soft wheat in Chicago , traded significantly lower .

  11. 特别适合用软质小麦面粉制作的脆庞酥饼、饼干和点心的配方已经开发出来了。

    Recipes for muffins , biscuits , and pastry especially adapted for soft wheat flour have been developed .

  12. 酿制黄酒用块曲以小麦为原料,以当年产红色软质小麦为佳,不同品质小麦加水量应作适当调整,一般控制在21.5%~25.5%;

    Wheat starter for yellow rice wine brewing is produced by wheat especially the fresh red-soft wheat and the water addition varies according to wheat qualities with the usual addition quantity between 21.5 % to 25.5 % .