
  • 网络wheel speed sensor
  1. 浅述汽车ABS系统中有源和无源轮速传感器的区别

    Studied on the Differences between Active and Passive Wheel Speed Sensor in ABS

  2. 磁阻式轮速传感器在ABS中的应用

    Application of Magneto-resistive Wheel Speed Sensor in ABS

  3. 汽车ABS轮速传感器性能测试系统的实现

    Realization of performance test system of wheel speed sensor in ABS

  4. 汽车ABS轮速传感器及其信号处理

    The Wheel Speed Sensor in ABS and the Signal Processing

  5. 汽车ABS轮速传感器信号处理芯片的设计

    Design of Signal Processing IC for Automobile Wheel Speed Sensor in ABS

  6. 汽车ABS轮速传感器故障诊断电路设计

    The Fault Diagnostic Circuit Design of ABS Wheel - speed Sensor for Auto

  7. 基于VB的ABS轮速传感器信号采集与处理

    Collecting and disposing to the signal of ABS speed sensor based on VB

  8. ABS磁电式轮速传感器故障诊断

    The Fault Diagnosis of ABS Magnetic-electric Wheel-speed Sensor

  9. 轮速传感器故障是车辆ABS的常见故障之一。

    The fault of the wheel-speed sensor is one of common faults of vehicle ABS .

  10. 汽车ABS磁电式轮速传感器的动态特性及其信号处理

    Study on Dynamic Characteristics of Magnetoelectric Wheel Speed Sensor in Anti-lock Brake System and Signal Processing

  11. 汽车防抱死制动系统轮速传感器信号处理新型ABS车轮轮速传感器

    Signal Processing of Wheel Speed Sensor in Anti-Lock Brake System Based on the Mixing Analogue and Digital Circuit

  12. 设计了摩托车ABS轮速传感器的故障诊断系统的软硬件,并完成了相关的试验验证。

    Software and hardware of the fault diagnostic system of motorcycle ABS are designed and they are verified through experiment .

  13. 利用电磁感应传感器进行ABS制动试验,以采集轮速传感器的电压模拟信号。

    Electromagnet induction sensors are employed to conduct Abs breaking test so as to acquire the voltage analog signals of wheel speed sensor .

  14. 汽车轮速传感器是防抱死制动系统(ABS)的关键部件之一,其性能的好坏直接决定了ABS性能的高低。

    The wheel rotation speed sensor is one of the key components in anti-lock brake system ( ABS ), its performance determines the function of ABS directly .

  15. 汽车的轮速传感器不足以反映汽车的ABS系统的性能,必须利用滑移率来控制汽车的制动系统,才能达到最佳的制动效果。

    Automotive wheel-speed sensor cannot fully reflect the capability of ABS system . The slippage rate should be employed to control the braking system of automobiles to reach the best braking effect .

  16. 设计开发了防抱制动系统的电子控制器,包括电源、CPU、轮速传感器信号处理以及电磁阀控制电路。

    The electronic controller of automotive anti-lock brake system , including the power supply , the CPU , the wheel speed signal processing and the solenoid valve control circuit , are designed and developed .

  17. 本文研究的中型货车气压ABS由制动压力调节器、轮速传感器和电子控制单元(英文简称ECU)三大部分组成。

    The air ABS of medium-duty truck studied in this thesis included three parts : braking pressure adjustor , rotate speed sensor of wheel and electronic control unit ( ECU ) .

  18. 安装在轮毂上的齿圈随车轮旋转,轮速传感器拾取旋转动作转化为电信号传递给ECU。

    While the toothed ring mounted on the hub circumvolving , the wheel speed sensor picks up the rotary motion , translates it into electronic signal for the ECU .

  19. 永磁体是霍尔轮速传感器的主要组成部分,其磁场分布均匀性会使轮速信号的占空比超出标准值范围,进而会影响ABS的轮速计算的精确性。

    One of the main parts of the hall wheel speed sensor is permanent magnet . And the uniformity of magnetic field impacts duty cycle of wheel speed signal , exceeding the limit of standard scope .

  20. 轮速传感器是汽车ABS的重要组成部分,由于霍尔式轮速传感器具有适应车速范围宽,抗干扰能力强的优势,逐渐取代传统电磁感应式轮速传感器。

    The wheel speed sensor is one of the key components in Anti-lock Brake System . Because of having wide measurement range for wheel speed and strong anti-interference ability , hall wheel speed sensor has been substituting traditional electromagnetic induction wheel speed sensor .

  21. 采用高性能的数字信号处理器TMS320LF2407为核心设计了数字式防滑刹车控制盒,重新设计了指令传感器、轮速传感器和电液伺服阀的检测电路。

    Antiskid braking control box is designed with high-performance digital signal processor TMS320LF2407 , and the measuring circuits of wheel speed sensor , instruct sensor are redesigned in the article .

  22. 基于CAN总线的汽车轮速传感器设计

    Design of rotation speed sensor for automotive wheel based on CAN bus

  23. 在轮速传感器信号的处理方面,增加了关键的频率/电压转换电路。

    In wheel speed signal processing , a critical frequency / voltage conversion circuit is added .

  24. 试验结果表明该系统能够实现预设功能,完成对轮速传感器常见故障的诊断。

    Test results show that this system can implement its function and diagnose the fault of the wheel-speed sensors .

  25. 本文研究了汽车防抱死制动系统轮速传感器信号的处理问题。

    The processing of the signal from wheel rotation speed sensor in anti-lock brake system has been studied in this paper .

  26. 深入探讨了轮速传感器、防抱死制动电子控制器、电磁阀、回液泵的结构组成与工作原理。

    The construction and working principles of speed sensor , ABS ECU , electromagnetic valve and return liquid pump are analysized in detail .

  27. 本文首先设计并开发了一种变磁阻激励磁电式轮速传感器,然后对其进行动态标定实验。

    Firstly , the paper design and produce a variable magneto-resistance excited wheel rotation speed sensor , and then make the dynamic calibration experiments .

  28. 在报警模式中,首先将轮速传感器的脉冲数进行了车速修正和轮胎磨损修正,提出了标准脉冲数的概念;

    In alarm mode , first , the pulses of wheel speed sensors are amended by speed and tire abrasion and standard pulses is put forward ;

  29. 通过对捷达轿车的道路试验,研究了汽车行驶速度、载荷及轮胎气压对轮速传感器脉冲数相对差值的影响。

    Through the road test on JETTA passenger car , research the effect of the vehicle velocity , load and tire pressure on the relative difference of pulse counts of wheel sensors .

  30. 在应急制动时,当制动踏板控制的制动压力过大时,轮速传感器和控制器会检测到车轮有抱死的倾向,此时控制器控制制动系统减小制动压力。

    In emergency braking , when the brake pedal pressure is too large , the wheel speed sensor and the controller detects a wheel locking tendency , then the controller reduces the braking pressure .