
lún dù
  • ferry
轮渡 [lún dù]
  • [ferry] 载运行人、汽车、火车等渡过江河湖海的轮船及其业务

轮渡[lún dù]
  1. 时隔12年之后,轮渡服务又重新开通了。

    The ferry service has restarted after an interval of 12 years

  2. “海联”轮渡公司称,这是其5个星期以来头一次全面运营。

    One ferry operator ' Sealink ' said it was now running a full service for the first time in five weeks .

  3. 从大陆出发的汽车轮渡常常在2月前就被预订一空。

    The car ferries from the mainland are often fully booked by February .

  4. 在大陆和各岛之间有轮渡服务。

    Ferry services operate between the islands and the mainland .

  5. 叙述了MIS在厦门市轮渡公司的人事和月票管理中的实践和应用。

    Practice and application of MIS in Xiamen city are described .

  6. GPS在琼州海峡铁路轮渡港口工程控制网测量中的应用

    Application of GPS in the Survey of Engineering Control Network for the Ferry Port of Qiongzhou Straits Railway

  7. 简要讨论了将GPS用于琼州海峡铁路轮渡港口工程勘测测量工作中的控制网设计及控制点的合理选取、外业观测计划和数据处理等问题。

    The paper briefly discusses the designing and control point selection , field observation planning and data processing , etc. for the application of GPS in engineering survey on the ferry port of Qiongzhou Straits Railway .

  8. 接着我们又乘了两趟轮渡,终于来到设得兰群岛最北端、也就是苏格兰最北端的安斯特岛(Unst)。

    It required two more ferries , but we finally arrived in Unst , the northernmost of the Shetland Islands , and hence , the northernmost in Scotland .

  9. 一些人试图驱车8个小时甚至更长时间去搭乘前往马来西亚度假地浮罗交怡(Langkawi)的轮渡,或是坐一晚上的火车去有国际机场的泰国北部城市清迈。

    Some are trying to get out by driving eight hours or more to catch a ferry to the Malaysian resort of Langkawi , or via overnight trains to Chiang Mai in the north , which has an international airport .

  10. 新长铁路江阴轮渡栈桥施工

    Construction of the Jiangyin Ferry Trestle Bridge on Xin-Chang Railway Lines

  11. 华尔街轮渡码头,纽约,美国

    Wall Street ferry terminal , new york , usa , 2000

  12. 基于物理层隔离的单向文件轮渡系统的设计及应用

    Design and Application of Single Direction File Transfer on Physical Partition

  13. “你让我瞥见了神仙的世界,”马丁在轮渡上说,“跟那样的人见面使生活变得有了价值。

    It makes life worth while to meet people like that .

  14. 渡船;摆渡横渡海峡轮渡服务我们在奥斯坦德及时赶上了渡船。

    the cross-channel ferry service We caught the ferry at Ostend .

  15. 铁路轮渡货运量预测方法研究

    Research on the Method of Rail Ferry Freight Volume Forecast

  16. 贵池汽车轮渡码头淤积成因浅析

    Elementary Analysis of Siltation Causes of Guichi Automobile Ferry Terminal

  17. 轮渡业务因安全考虑目前已暂停。

    Ferry services have been suspended out of safety concerns .

  18. 从烟大铁路轮渡项目看工程项目的动态管理

    Dynamic Management of Engineering Projects Seen from the YanDa Railroad Ferry Project

  19. 城市越江客运轮渡泊位与配船计算方法

    Mathematical model of urban passenger ferry berth and ship assignment

  20. 铁路轮渡码头工程设计中渡船靠泊速度的合理确定

    Rational Determination of Ferry Berthing Speed in Railway Ferry Terminal Engineering Design

  21. 跨海铁路轮渡栈桥的设计荷载

    Design Load of Railway Ferry Trestle Bridge over the Sea

  22. 与大多数轮渡公司一样,p&o为旅客提供高档休息室。

    Like most ferry companies , P & O provides premium lounges .

  23. 我要再次确定对今晚轮渡的预订。

    I want to confirm my booking on this evening 's ferry .

  24. 我可以乘轮渡过江吗?

    Can I take a ferry to cross the tiver ?

  25. 根据我国自然地理状况提出几种轮渡方式,说明我国发展铁路轮渡是有可能的。

    It expounds that it is possible to develop railway ferry in China .

  26. 烟大铁路轮渡渡船电力推进系统

    The Electric Propulsion System of the Yantai-Dalian Train Ferry

  27. 您可以乘坐水面轮渡及园区内地铁过江。

    You can take a ferry or subway there .

  28. 上海市轮渡公司安全信息系统研究与设计

    The Study and Design of A Safety Information System

  29. 数字式扫描转换技术在黄浦江轮渡导航系统中的应用

    The Application of Digital Scan Conversion to the Huangpu River Ferry Navigation System

  30. 烟大铁路轮渡建设的创新实践

    Innovation Practice in the Construction of Yantai-Dalian Train Ferries