
zhuǎn zhù zì
  • extended meaning
  1. 本文否定六书是六种造字法和四种造字法与两种用字法的观点,认为六书的本义是指六种汉字:象形字、指事字、会意字、形声字、转注字和假借字。

    Instead of deeming that they were six or four kinds of word formation and two word using ways , the paper indicates that the six scripts refer to six categories of Chinese Characters : pictograph , self explanatory , associative compounds , phonogram , mutually explanatory and phonetic characters .

  2. 它是在已有转注母字的基础上,通过加注类首符号再造新字。

    Its way to create new characters is to add some symbol that is similar to initials to existing synonymous letters .