
zhuàn zǐ fā dònɡ jī
  • Wankel engine
  1. 转子发动机比通常的活塞式发动机噪音小也是大家所公认的。

    It is also generally conceded that Wankel engines are quieter than comparable piston engines .

  2. 三角转子发动机零件的数学模型研究

    The Mathematical Model of the Wankel Engineer

  3. 转子发动机缸体Ni-SiC复合镀层失效分析

    Failure Analysis of Composite Ni-SiC Coating of Rotary Engine Cylinder

  4. MAZDA车用转子发动机的结构及应用

    On Rotary Engine Used in MAZDA Vehicle

  5. Wankel微型转子发动机的设计方案研究

    Research on the design scheme of Wankel micro rotary engine

  6. 泛Bernoulli数与泛Kummer同余式余摆线型转子发动机

    The Universal Bernoulli Numbers and the Universal Kummer Congruence ; rotary piston engine of trochoidal type

  7. 为了摸清航空发动机整机振动的传递规律,本文以某型涡扇双转子发动机为研究对象,采用大型有限元软件ANSYS和多体动力学仿真软件ADAMS进行发动机整机动力特性联合仿真。

    In this paper , a turbofan engine for the dual-rotor study , the use of large-scale finite element software ANSYS and the multi-body dynamics simulation software for engine ADAMS co-simulation of dynamic characteristics of machine .

  8. 以三角转子发动机(即Wankel发动机)为核心的微型动力系统的出现无疑能够解决这一难题。

    There is no doubt that the micro power system can solve this problem ideally .

  9. 马自达RX-7型轿车采用带蜗轮增压器的汪克尔式双缸转子发动机。

    MAZDA RX 7 Car is equipped with Wankel double cylinder rotary engine with turbosupercharger , which adopts ECU control ignition and fuel injection systems .

  10. 以日本MAZDA汽车公司生产的13B-REW型转子发动机为对象,阐述了转子发动机的结构参数、工作过程、燃烧室容积计算等。

    Using 13B-REW-type rotary engine made by Mazda Motor Company of Japan as an example , this paper gives the detailed description of its structure parameters , working process , and calculation of the combustion chamber volume , etc.

  11. 以小型以及厘米级的微型三角转子发动机为假想测试发动机的台架已经初步搭建完成,并且已经在空载下获得了30V的电动势。

    The testing rig , using the micro engine on the small and the centimeter scale as the supposed testing engine , has been preliminarily completed , and the electromotive force on 30 voltage has been gain in the no load condition .

  12. 转子发动机径向密封片动态特性模拟

    Simulation of a Dynamic Behavior of Apex Seals in Rotary Engine

  13. 汽油转子发动机燃烧过程模拟技术研究

    Study on Mathematical Combustion Model for a Gasoline Rotary Combustion Engine

  14. 并行处理双转子发动机实时仿真

    Real-time simulation of a two - spool turbojet by parallel processing

  15. 转子发动机用作中型客车动力的适应性

    Adaptability of Rotary Engine as a Power for Medium-sized Intercity Bus

  16. 车用转子发动机复合进气充气特性研究

    Investigation on charging characteristics of vehicle rotary engine with compound intake ports

  17. 双转子发动机含喘振的动态模型

    A dynamic model of two-spool turbo-jet engine with post-stall capability

  18. 汪克尔式转子发动机结构简单,非常可靠。

    The Wankel-type rotary engines are very reliable because of their simplicity .

  19. 高压共轨系统在柴油转子发动机上的应用研究

    Research and application of Common Rail Injection System for Diesel Rotary Engine

  20. 国内外转子发动机的发展及应用前景

    Rotor Engines at Home and Abroad & Present Development and Future Prospects

  21. 微转子发动机的三区准维模型燃烧计算研究

    Calculation Research on the Three-Zone Quasi Dimension Model of a Mini Rotary Engine

  22. 摆动式湿饲料搅碎机余摆线型转子发动机

    Swinging wet masher rotary piston engine of trochoidal type

  23. 转子发动机燃烧过程二维数值模拟的比较研究

    A Comparative Study of Turbulence Models for Simulating Combustion Process in Rotary Engine

  24. 三角转子发动机的研究

    Approach to a New Triangular Rotor A Study on Wankel Rotary Piston Engine

  25. 气动微型转子发动机的设计和实验研究

    Design and Experimental Research of Pneumatic Micro-rotary Engine

  26. 转子发动机双凸轮分电器点火系统的研究

    Research on the ignition system of the double cam distributor TN a rotor engine

  27. 四冲程准涡轮连续燃烧式转子发动机

    4-stroke Quasi-Turbo Continuous Combustion Type Rotary Engine

  28. 三角转子发动机的特点及其发展概况综述

    The Characteristics and Improvement of Rotary Engines

  29. 马自达RX-7型轿车转子发动机点火系特点及故障排除

    Features of Rotary Engine Ignition System on MAZDA RX 7 Car and Its Fault Removal

  30. 某双转子发动机冲击振动的分频小波提取与故障分析

    Wavelet Extraction of Impact Vibration Frequency Component and Fault Analysis for a Twine Spool Aero-Engine