
  • 网络GMO;GM products
  1. 转基因产品的检测包括定性检测和定量检测。

    The tests of GMO consists of qualitative and quantitative tests .

  2. 今年初,世贸组织发现,欧盟对转基因产品采取了事实上的禁令,从而违反了世界贸易规则。

    Earlier this year , the WTO found the EU had operated a de facto moratorium on GMO products , breaking global trade rules .

  3. 使用EvaGreen染料的荧光PCR定性检测转基因产品

    Fluorescence PCR for detection genetically modified products by a novel Eva Green dye

  4. 它与已有的世界贸易组织(WTO)框架协议一同构成了规范、管理转基因产品国际贸易的两大国际协议。

    The protocol and existing World Trade Organization become two international agreements which regulate and management GM products together .

  5. 随后介绍和分析了规范、管理转基因产品国际贸易已有的世界贸易组织(WTO)框架协议。

    Secondly , discuss and analyze the WTO frame agreement which regulate and manager the international trade of GM products .

  6. 多重PCR方法具有节约试剂、节省时间等特点,在转基因产品检测上的应用值得推广。

    The multiplex PCR has some traits such as saving reagent and time , so it may be popularized to detect genetically modified products .

  7. 转基因产品(GMOS)的国际贸易:对WTO的有力挑战

    The International Trade of Genetically Modified Organisms ( GMOS ): the Great Challenge to the WTO

  8. 2003年美国、加拿大和阿根廷向WTO诉欧盟拒绝进口转基因产品一案最具代表性。

    The most influential and presentative case was the one that USA , Canada and Argentina brought an accusation against EU for refusing import Genetically Modified organisms .

  9. 《技术性贸易壁垒协议》和《实施卫生与植物卫生措施协议》是WTO框架下与转基因产品贸易相关的国际法。

    Agreement on Technical Barriers to Trade ( TBT ) and Agreement on the Application of Sanitary and Phytosanitary Measures ( SPS ) are the international law about Genetically Modified organisms ' trade under WTO system .

  10. 深加工转基因产品检测技术的研究进展

    Improvement of Studies on Detection Techniques of Deeply Processed Transgenic Products

  11. 转基因产品的贸易、争端及对我国的启示

    The Trading and Disputes of Genetically-modified Products and Their Revelation to China

  12. 转基因产品检测技术标准存在的问题及建议

    Disadvantages and proposal of standards for detecting genetically modified products

  13. 转基因产品检测技术及其差异比较

    The detection technologies of transgenic products and their differences

  14. 转基因产品商业化及其存在的问题

    Transgenic product being commercialized and the problems in existence

  15. 转基因产品国际贸易的法律规制

    The Legal Frameworks of GM Products ' International Trade

  16. 植物转基因产品检测方法的评价

    Evaluation of Detection Methods for Genetically Modified Plant-Derived Products

  17. 生物传感器在转基因产品检测中的研究进展

    Advances in Research of Biosensors in Transgenic Products Detection

  18. 警惕转基因产品进入有机产业!

    Be caution of GMOs to damage organic industrials !

  19. 转基因产品的潜在风险及预防对策

    The Risks and Countermeasures of Products of Transferred Gene

  20. 美国认为加贴标签制度会降低消费者对于转基因产品的信心。

    The risk that labeling will damage the consumer 's confidence in GMOs .

  21. 转基因产品的安全性及其对应策略

    Biosafety of Transgenic Products and Their Resolving Strategies

  22. 转基因产品国际贸易缘何陷入僵局

    Causes of the International Trade Impasse of GMOs

  23. 试论转基因产品贸易措施的合法性

    Legality of Trade Policy on Genetically Modified Organism

  24. 公众接受转基因产品吗?

    Do the Public Accept Transgenic Products ?

  25. 转基因产品检测方法及应用

    Detection Method and Application for Transgenic Products

  26. 转基因产品致敏性评估的规范化

    Standardization of Allergenicity Assessment of Transgenic Products

  27. 欧盟粮食安全及农业高级官员表示,他们并不反对转基因产品。

    Top EU food safety and agricultural officials say they do not oppose genetically changed products .

  28. 转基因产品的标识管理

    The labeling management of transgenosis products

  29. 转基因产品与食品安全

    GM products and food safety

  30. 对转基因产品的检测是产品能否获得足够的研究空间和良好市场前景的关键所在。

    Their detection has become a key to gaining the enough research space and better market prospect .