
  • 网络Orbital Maneuver Vehicle;OMV
  1. 因此,进行轨道机动飞行器的自主快速机动控制技术及其工程实现研究,就具有重要的意义。

    Hence , the research on autonomous and rapid maneuver and implement of space maneuver vehicle presents significance .

  2. 研究了轨道机动飞行器对地球同步轨道卫星的抵近飞行过程。分析了不同过捷点距离下的视线角速度和视线角加速度的变化规律。

    The law of angular velocity and angular acceleration of line of sight is analyzed under different closest distances between OMV and target .

  3. 论文提出的椭圆远程、近程最优交会策略和末制导导引律可为轨道机动飞行器空间交会方案设计与轨道控制提供技术支撑。

    The proposed optimal rendezvous strategies both for long-distance elliptical rendezvous trajectory and near-distance elliptical rendezvous trajectory and terminal guidance laws will provide technique support for the space rendezvous scheme design and orbit control of OMV .

  4. 对于地球同步轨道卫星的检查,论文提出了一种利用大椭圆轨道机动飞行器对其抵近照相的方法,并研究了相关技术。

    According to the problem of examining GEO satellites , the paper has given a method of using orbit maneuver vehicle on highly eccentric orbit to photograph the target and studied related technologies .