
  • 网络Vehicle Trips
  1. 应急车辆出行前救援路径选择的多目标规划模型

    A Multi-objective Programming Model of Route Choice of Emergency Vehicles before Travel

  2. 土地利用效用与车辆出行的产生和吸引

    Land use utility and vehicle trip generation and attraction

  3. 恶劣气候对高速公路车辆出行的影响

    Influence of adverse weather on vehicle trip at freeway

  4. 公路运输通道内的车辆出行路径选择模型及应用研究

    Research on Model of Selecting Travel Route of Vehicle Within Highway Transport Corridors

  5. 基于时空关系对高速公路车辆出行规律的研究

    Research on the Travel Law of Freeway Vehicles Based on Time and Mileages

  6. 车辆出行的产生和吸引量与交通小区的土地利用情况密切相关。

    Vehicle trip generation and attraction relate to the land use of traffic zones closely .

  7. 北京交管局预测,第一天和最后两天的假期都会看到高速公路上的车辆出行高峰。

    The Beijing traffic bureau forecast that the first and the last two days of the holiday will see traffic peaks on the expressways .

  8. 当森林火灾发生时,选择恰当的消防站和车辆出行线路,制定合理的调度方案意味着能赢得更多的时间最大限度地减轻火灾带来的损失。

    When forest fire occurs , selecting the appropriate fire station and vehicle travel routes , and establishing reasonable scheduling scheme meant to win more time to minimize the losses caused by forest fire .

  9. 解决这一现状的途径有两种方式:一是改善现有的道路交通设施;二是使用技术手段,科学的引导车辆出行,以缓解道路的通行压力。

    Two way to resolve this problem are : The first way is , to improve the existing road transport facilities ; The second way is , using technical and scientific means to guide the vehicle in order to ease traffic pressure roads .

  10. 首次考虑路网交通供需随机变化对救援车辆出行的影响,其研究成果的可操作性和实用性较强,为救援管理部门对救援管理系统进行科学评价和合理规划提供良好的借鉴和参考。

    This is the first time for attention of study being given to the influence of road network traffic demand and supply variation on emergency vehicles , and the results may assist the management departments to evaluate and plan emergency management systems more scientifically .

  11. 一些道路遭封闭,一些学校停课,本地车辆的出行也受到限制。

    Some roads and schools are closed and local cars restricted .

  12. 其中一大半车辆的出行时间是在早晚高峰时期。

    More than half of them cross the bridge during the morning and evening rush hours .

  13. 由于我国绝大多数高速公路与二级公路互相平行,因此在同一个交通走廊上公路运输车辆的出行路线需要驾驶员做出决策,这就需要对公路使用者的出行特征及出行行为进行研究。

    Since nearly all of the expressways in China are parallel to the second-class highways on the same traffic corridor , the drivers will make decisions on the travel routes , which will need researches on the travel characteristics and behaviors of the toll road users .

  14. 将GPS技术应用于现代汽车物流管理,可以实现诸如车辆跟踪、出行路线的规划和导航、车辆调度控制、车辆安全保障、信息查询、话务指挥及紧急援助等功能。

    This technology has been used in modern vehicle logistics management such as Vehicle tracking , Course planning and Travel navigation , Vehicle dispatching , Information management , Congestion control , Vehicle safety control and Emergency aid , etc.

  15. 礼拜日是全天宵禁的最后一天,在首都宵禁时所有居民车辆不允许出行。

    Sunday was the last day of a24-hour curfew that barred all civilian vehicles in the capital .

  16. 应急车辆的最佳出行路径在考虑信号优化作用后进行选择。

    The shortest route for an emergency vehicle is selected after the signal timing plan has been optimized .

  17. 随着科技的发展,人民生活水平的提高,驾驶机动车辆已经成为人们出行的一种主要方式。

    With the development of science and technology , the improvement of living standards of the people driving motor vehicles has become a major way people travel .

  18. 冬季大雪和冰冻天气给车辆和行人的出行安全带来隐患,甚至可能带来巨大的经济损失。于是除雪化冰工作变得十分重要。

    In winter , snowing and icing weather have the potential of danger for the traffic and people , sometimes it will bring enormous economic loss , so shifting snow and ice become important .

  19. 当今随着中国轨道车辆的发展,轨道车辆成为人们日常出行必不可缺的交通工具。

    Nowadays with the development of China ' railway vehicles , rail vehicles become the essential transportation tool of people daily travel .

  20. 据知情人士透露,数家跨国公司已经或计划为公司车队的车辆购置有单有双的车牌,以方便车辆出行。

    Several multinational companies already have purchased or made arrangements to purchase alternate license plates for their fleets to enable ease of movement , people familiar with the matter said .