
chē bǎ
  • shaft;handlebar;hand bar
车把 [chē bǎ]
  • [hand bar;shaft] 车的组件之一,用手握住,借以掌握行车方向,拉车前进

车把[chē bǎ]
  1. 它稳定的车把,应固定牢固的车把职位。

    It stabilizes the handlebar and should be fixed firmly to the handlebar post .

  2. 取得专业车手,并有著非常广阔的轻体车把。

    Made for professional riders , it has a very light body and a broad handlebar .

  3. 这车把松动摇晃了。

    The handlebars developed a wobble .

  4. 那辆车把那人来回轧了两次,先是倒着轧的,再是往前开着轧的。

    The car passed over the body twice , once backward and then forward .

  5. 我看见一个男人正朝一个司机叫嚷,他的车把街道堵塞了。

    I saw a man shouting at a driver whose car was blocking the street .

  6. 一辆车把他撞倒在地。

    A car knocked him over .

  7. 美国宇航员的健身车没有车把。

    The exercise bike for the American astronauts has no handlebars .

  8. 他故意的上下颠动车把,摇这个老猴子几下

    He deliberately jerked the shafts to rock him a bit .

  9. 两辆水陆两用车把他们渡过沙滩。

    Two amphibians ferry them out over the sands .

  10. 一位警察对布朗夫人说,“这位健忘的老先生在公园迷路了,打电话向我们求援,所以我们派车把老人送回家来。”布朗夫人感到很诧异,不过还是向警察衷心地道了谢。警察走了。

    One of them said to Mrs. Brown , “ The forgetful old gentleman lost his way in the park and telephoned to us for help , so we sent a car to bring him home . ” Mrs. Brown was very surprised that she thanked the cops gratefully and they left .

  11. 由面料制作的翅膀上有小的LED灯,由连接在车把上的铝棒控制,骑车人按车把,就能制造出翅膀扇动的效果。

    The fabric wings had tiny LED lights and were operated by aluminium rods attached to the handlebars which riders pressed to create the flapping effect .

  12. C.当天中午这些信件就抵达了俄勒冈的机场,然后邮政车把它们运往当地邮局,其中一些信就是发往戴夫所在的城市。

    C. By noon the letters were in an airport in Oregon . Mail trucks then took them to post offices . One of these was in Dave 's town .

  13. 就像敞篷车把顶棚收起来,不同的是Transition是把机翼折叠起来,同时把动力从螺旋桨转到车轮,使其可以在地面行驶。

    It 's like putting the top down on a convertible , only instead of folding up your roof , we 're folding up our wings and we 're transferring power from a propeller to the wheels for driving on the ground .

  14. 我们调整好崔克(trek)混合动力自行车的车把和车座,将水瓶装满水,就离开了旅游中心,进入了乡村灿烂的阳光和浓重的湿气中。

    Once we have adjusted the handlebars and saddles of our trek hybrid bikes and filled our water bottles , we head away from the tourist hubs into the bright sunshine and oppressive humidity of the countryside .

  15. 一辆卡车撞上了我的车把保险杠撞坏了。

    A truck plowed into my car and smashed the fender .

  16. 我会安排一辆车把你送回家。

    I 'll arrange for a car to take you home .

  17. 我只能突然刹车,结果从车把上翻了出去。

    I had to brake suddenly and went straight over the handlebars .

  18. 你看,是车把我带到这儿来的。

    You see , cars are what put me here .

  19. 用担架车把某人送到手术室。

    Wheel sb to the operating theatre on a trolley .

  20. 我只求有部车把我从甲地送往乙地。

    I just want a car that takes me from a to B.

  21. 汤姆为了买一辆车把钱存起来。

    Tom saved money in order that he might buy a car .

  22. 他们的一辆车把我的车蹭了。

    And one of their cars crashed into the denali .

  23. 我们用冷藏车把冷冻鱼送到商店。

    We get the frozen fish to the shops in refrigerated trucks .

  24. 一位热心的朋友用她的车把我送到这儿的。

    An obliging friend brought me here in her car .

  25. 急救车把车祸中受伤的人送到医院。

    The ambulance took the victims of the car accident to hospital .

  26. 他朝她喊了一声,用力握紧车把。

    He shouted at her , gripping his handlebars forcefully .

  27. 好像瑞秋开礼车把库玻一起带走了。

    It looks like Rachel took the limo with cooper .

  28. 我想是你的车把我撞到这儿来了。

    I think you might have brushed me going by .

  29. 然后她上了詹娜的车把车开走了

    and then she jumped in Jenna 's car and she drove away .

  30. 他用他的车把我送回去。

    He drove me back in his car .