
  1. 如果三个决定都对车路士有利既话车路士好有可能已同曼联同分排榜首。

    Had all three decisions gone chelsea 's way mourinho 's side could potentially be level with United instead of being three points adrift .

  2. 两星期前,此位车路士中场已有百分之三十四的支持率,遥遥领先第二位朗尼的百分之廿九。

    Two weeks ago Chelsea 's influential midfielder was leading by a substantial margin , 34 % of the vote to Wayne Rooney's29 % .

  3. 这位组织进攻型的球员在包括车路士,利物浦,纽卡素在内的很多英国俱乐部试训过。而且这些俱乐部也一直在关注着他的成长。

    The playmaker has been trailed by a host of English clubs with Chelsea , Liverpool and Newcastle all keeping tabs on his progress .