
  • 网络Body Mass Index;body-mass index;bmi
  1. 和腰围一样,身体质量指数(BMI)是间接的风险测量,其值越大伴随的是风险越大。

    Like waist circumference , BMI is an indirect measure of risk , but a higher measure correlates with greater risk .

  2. 身体质量指数等于或大于25时为超重

    A BMI greater than or equal to25 is overweight

  3. 即便研究人员们考虑了其它能影响端粒长度的因素(比如她们的实际年龄、身体质量指数和吸烟习惯),这些发现依旧站得住脚。

    The findings held even after the researchers took into account other factors that could affect telomere length , including the women 's chronological age , body mass index and smoking habits .

  4. 医生们使用BMI(bodymassindex,身体质量指数)来衡量肥胖的程度。

    Doctors use a measure called BMI ( body mass index ) to measure obesity .

  5. Biro医生表示,身体质量指数(bodymassindex,BMI)越高的女孩提前进入青春期的可能性越大。

    Dr. Biro says girls with a higher body mass index are more likely to enter puberty early .

  6. 慧俪轻体表示,公司超过半数的客户在开始减肥前就已经拥有了健康的身体质量指数(bodymassindex),但公司不会帮助会员变得体重过轻。

    The company says more than half its clients have a healthy body mass index before they start , though Weight Watchers will not help members become underweight .

  7. 1.计算身体质量指数BMI

    Step 1 Calculate your body mass index

  8. 研究者也测量了参与者的血液中维生素D水平和身体质量指数(BMI)。

    Researchers also measured participants'blood levels of vitamin D and body mass index ( BMI ) .

  9. 所有参与者在研究开始时年龄都超过50岁,所有人每年都必须完成问卷调查,提供运动频率、身体质量指数(bodymassindex)和能力丧失的详细资料。

    All the participants were older than 50 when the study began and all were required to complete an annual questionnaire giving details of exercise frequency , body mass index and disability .

  10. 最瘦的照片形象,即身体质量指数(BMI)约为19的女性被评价为最具吸引力。

    The very thinnest images with body mass index of around 19 were rated as most attractive .

  11. BMI指数(身体质量指数)的测量方式是:体重(千克)/身高(厘米)的平方。

    BMI is calculated by dividing your weight ( in kilograms ) by your height ( in metres ) squared .

  12. 这项研究利用身体质量指数(BMI)来评定肥胖,但其使用的临界值比世界卫生组织所规定的标准更为苛刻。

    The study used a stricter cut-off of the Body Mass Index ( BMI ) than the World Health Organization standard .

  13. 然而,选择一些服装是根据身体质量指数(BMI),以实现最佳的压缩。

    However , the selection of some garments is based on the body mass index ( BMI ) to achieve optimum compression .

  14. 说明加用药膳后,对体重、身体质量指数(BMI)均有明显改善作用。

    This explains that adding the Chinese medicated diet of lotus leaf has an apparent function of improvement on weight and BMI .

  15. 身体质量指数(BMI)是体重/身高的简便指数,通常用于对成年进行超重和肥胖分类。

    Body mass index ( BMI ) is a simple index of weight-for-height that is commonly used to classify overweight and obesity in adults .

  16. 目的研究身体质量指数(BMI)和男性肺癌之间的关系。

    Objective To investigate the relationship between body mass index ( BMI ) and lung cancer risk among men in urban Shanghai , China .

  17. 性别、年龄、身体质量指数(BMI)、化疗药物、长春瑞滨的剂量、化疗周期为临床相关因素。

    Gender , age , body mass index ( BMI ), chemotherapeutic regimen , dose of Vinorelbine and chemotherapeutic cycle were used as clinical correlation factors .

  18. 肥胖似乎是一个主要元凶;作者发现了糖尿病的增长率和上升的身体质量指数(bmi)之间呈高度相关。

    Obesity seems to be a main culprit ; the authors found a high correlation between rising rates of diabetes and a rise in body mass index .

  19. 在休假时晚睡,可能会导致(有益的)HDL胆固醇变少,三酸甘油酯变高,胰岛素抗性增加,身体质量指数也升高。

    Sleeping late on days off was linked to lower HDL ( good ) cholesterol , higher triglycerides , higher insulin resistance and higher body mass index .

  20. 计算你的身体质量指数(BMI),计算公式是:体重(单位:磅)*705/身高(单位:英寸)的平方

    Calculate your body mass index ( BMI ) by multiplying your weight in pounds by 705 , and then dividing the product by your height in inches squared .

  21. 测量其同期身高、体重,计算身体质量指数(BMI)并与正常参考值比较。

    Meanwhile , their height and weight were measured , their body mass index was calculated , and the measurements and index were compared with the corresponding national reference values .

  22. 该文章在英国研究了22种不同的癌症与身体质量指数(BMI)之间的关联;BMI是测试肥胖的指标,很简单,但比单纯采用重量指标更加有效。

    The work looked at 22 different cancers in Britain and their association with body mass index ( B.M.I. ), a simple but more effective measure of obesity than weight alone .

  23. 使用BMI(身体质量指数)测量儿童的肥胖不应成为测量健康风险的准确指标,由于这两个组成部分(身高和体重)都是变量。

    Using BMI to measure obesity in children should not be relied upon as an accurate indicator of risk to health as both components , height and weight , are variables .

  24. 测定大学生身高(m)和体质量(kg),根据体质量/身高2计算身体质量指数。

    The height ( m ) and boby mass ( kg ) of the students were measured and the body mass index ( BMI ) was calculated based on the formula : body mass / the square of height .

  25. 目前,最”肥胖国家“要属加拿大和南非。那里的平均身体质量指数(BMI)为29,身体质量指数是一种将身高和体重都考虑在内的计算方法。

    The populations of Canada and South Africa currently lead the way , with an average Body Mass Index ( BMI ) of29-a calculation that takes into account both height and weight .

  26. 目的:探讨身体质量指数(BMI)、腰臀围比(WHR)与胆道癌的关系。

    Objective : To investigate the relationship between the body mass index ( BMI ), the waist to hip ratio ( WHR ) and the biliary tract cancers .

  27. 很多人BMI指数(身体质量指数)超重,实际上却健康苗条。如果你也是其中的一员的话,那么下面的这个新研究可能会让你觉得很中听。

    If youre one of the legions of slim , fit and healthy people whose BMI ( Body Mass Index ) makes them technically overweight , this story will be music to your ears .

  28. 在每次访谈时,科学家们均计算了各位参与者的身体质量指数(B.M.I.)。

    The scientists calculated body mass index at each interview .

  29. 很多人BMI指数(身体质量指数)“超重”,实际上却健康苗条。如果你也是其中的一员的话,那么下面的这个新研究可能会让你觉得很中听。

    If you 're one of the legions of slim , fit and healthy people whose BMI ( Body Mass Index ) makes them ' technically ' overweight , this story will be music to your ears .

  30. 而需要接受减肥手术的肥胖者(身体质量指数BMI为37.5)的比例更低,大多数超重者的BMI介于25-30之间,是不需要治疗的。

    The percentage of obesity cases ( people with 37.5 BMI ) who require bariatric surgery is even less , and most of the overweight population have BMI in the range of 25-30 , which does not require treatment .