- 名scooter;a kind of bike for a young child

The new £ 250 bag consists of a26-litre case and a lean-and-steer scooter .
And be careful . I don 't like that scooter thing you drive around .
But across Europe , it 's the fun and hipness quotient of the new scooters that matters most .
The building housed a restaurant called U Cerveneho Pava ( At the Red Peacock ) and a Segway rental shop aimed at Russian tourists .
We are importers of scooters and motorcycles for venezuelan market .
And the people who ride their bikes and scooters are crazy !
Test results show the prototype has reached the regulation .
and little scooters were moving along .
A Design of Engine Slinger for Scooter
The scooter builds on " dynamic balancing " technologies Kamen used to create his wheelchair .
Scooter is the most complicated model of motorcycle both from a designing angle and a manufacturing angle .
Japan-developed New Electric Scooter
Segway expects to introduce a consumer model of the battery-powered scooter for around $ 3,000 by the fourth quarter of 2002 .
Inventor Dean Kamen displayed his Human Transporter , a two-wheeled , motorized scooter that costs less than US10 cents a day to run .
Since his first Cushman scooter as a teenager , Roger has seen the surfaces of a Cushman as a canvas to demonstrate his artistic abilities .
The scooter , which Kamen believes could replace cars on crowded city streets , uses gyroscopes and computers to imitate the human sense of balance .
Walking down the street will have meant dodging bright orange street cleaners , food-delivery staff on scooters or identically dressed salon workers receiving their morning briefing .
When developing a brand-new scooter , there are four points which deserves consideration , they are , appearance design , general layout , frame structure design and plastic parts design .
A 20-month-old Briard named Norman became an internet sensation when his owners filmed him riding a scooter with his front paws on the handlebars and his hind leg pushing himself along .
Two-wheelers - motorcycles and scooters , which experts say made up the majority of the nearly nine million vehicles on the road as of March in Delhi - are also exempt .
The scooter is powered by standard nickel and metal hydride electric batteries . However , Kamen 's research firm is working on an emission-free engine that recycles much of its own heat .
' If they say no , it 's going to be really upsetting for us , ' he said as one of his teammates wheeled up beside him on a tiny scooter .
Want to travel standing on my scooter , carrying a large backpack , stuffed with a small aluminum pan , Mercedes-Benz trucks in front , listening to the vibration For deaf ear sound whistle .
Giving some case studies , such as children 's cycle helmets , scooters , shampoo and razor cartridges , the DCA showed how similar , or even almost identical products , can cost different amounts for men and women .
( iv ) motorcycles , light motor vehicles , bicycles , electric bicycles , motorized wheelchairs , scooters , skateboards , roller-blades , or similar tools for travel , with the exception of baby carriages , and manual or electric wheelchairs ;
Construction of inflammation models : the experimental methods with a treadmill , put the mice into the treadmill for a limit running , so that mice were forced running circulatory , as a result , the patellar tendon in mice have the over-loading and caused inflammatory .
When the photographer attempted to coax him to pose for one more shot with the Brooklyn Bridge behind him , he gave her a polite , " No thanks . " It didn 't help that children were riding past him on scooters of their own , or bicycles .
The exhibition begins on the second floor with a re-creation of one of Mr. Chen 's early works , a large-scale installation called " Purification Room . " Visitors are confronted with what he once called a sort of " archaeology of the future " : Scattered through the room are objects like furniture , a shopping cart ,