
  • 网络jump and say
  1. 我们走起路来摇摇摆摆,还一跳一跳的。我们的生活很有趣。

    We waddle and hop and have lots of fun .

  2. 你讲差婆,就跳一跳!

    When you say Nancy ho , his heart beat quickens !

  3. 耳朵进水,跳一跳让水流出来。

    Hop until the water comes out of your ears .

  4. 它们会稍微地跑一跑、跳一跳。

    They just take a little run and jump . '

  5. 对不起亲爱的昨天睡得太晚我头疼得一跳一跳的

    I 'm sorry , sweetie.It was a late night.My head is throbbing .

  6. 一只小鸟有一次,我看见一只小鸟,一跳一跳走过来。

    Once I saw a little bird , Coming hop , hop , hop .

  7. 它跳一跳,停一停,看着我,又不敢过来。

    It hopped and stopped , looking at me but too shy to come over .

  8. 一跳一跳地疼。

    I have a throbbing pain .

  9. 一只兔子在白菜之间一跳一跳钻来钻去。

    A rabbit lopped among cabbages .

  10. 上下跳一跳;

    Jump up and down .

  11. 他在街上奔跑着,把咒语射向四面八方,那令人恶心的坩埚仍然一跳一跳地跟在他身后。

    And with the foul pot still bounding along behind him , he ran up the street , casting spells in every direction .

  12. 遵循跳一跳,能吃桃的原则,帮助学生制定适合自己的学习目标。

    Follow the " jump-jump , eat peach " principle , to help students formulate learning objectives which they can be achieved . 4 .

  13. 即使腰部剧痛,中间休息的时间我也坚持踢毽子,而且感觉难受的时候就去过道里跳一跳。

    I kept on kicking shuttlecock when we have a break and I went to the gangway and kept on jumping when I felt worse , even though I could feel the lumbar acute sore .

  14. 我试着往前凑,它跳一跳,可是又停住,看着我,小黑豆眼带出点要亲近我又不完全信任的神气。

    When I made an attempt to move closer , it jumped off a hit and stopped again , staring back at me with its small , black and bean-like eyes that had a mixed look of wanting to be friends with me and not being certain that I was trustworthy .

  15. 新算法包括树形算法原有的计算下一跳节点及下一跳节点地址的方法。

    The new algorithm includes the calculation of the original tree algorithm and the method to calculate the address of the next hop node .

  16. 举个例子,我曾经告诉他我不允许他在家具上跳,然而我后来又偶尔让他在家具上跳一跳。

    For example , if I tell him I won 't allow him to jump on the furniture and then let him do it occasionally ;