
  • 网络Path Layer
  1. 一个图G的路径层矩阵τ(G)(thepathlayermatrix)包含关于图G中的所有路径的定量信息。

    The path layer matrix of a graph G contains quantitative information about all possible paths in G.

  2. 记f(r)为具有相同路径层矩阵的不同构的r-正则图的最少顶点数。

    Let f ( r ) denote the least order p ( r ) of nonisomorphic r-regular graphs having the same path layer matrix .

  3. 图的路径层矩阵与图的同构问题密切相关。

    The path layer matrix is closely related to graph isomorphism .

  4. 本文所研究的具有相同路径层矩阵的图的问题是在药品分析的实际应用领域中提出来的。

    The subject of graphs with the same path layer matrix , which we are researching , arises from the drug design .

  5. 目前已知的具有相同路径层矩阵的不同构的图的最小顶点数为14。

    It was verified in the case of p ( G ) < 11 . It is known that there exist graphs on 14 vertices having the same path layer matrix .

  6. 基于该方法,本文开发了多层次环境建模工具,使用该工具可以对虚拟人群所处虚拟环境进行几何层,拓扑层,路径层,感知层的综合建模。

    Based on this method , the dissertation implemented an environment modeling software which can be used to construct a environment model consisted of geometric level , topological level , path level and cognitive level .

  7. 路径规划层采用自行开发的离线自动编程系统,控制层采用基于SERCOS伺服现场总线的数控系统,执行机构包括高性能的交流伺服系统、冷却水泵等。

    Path planning is realized by an offline automatic programming system which we developed independently , and the CNC system is based on SERCOS servo field-bus .

  8. 此外,我们需要多路径软件层来管理多个存储路径。

    In addition , we need a multipath software layer to manage the multiple storage paths .

  9. 针对室内移动机器人导航问题,提出一种包括全局规划层、局部路径优化层、反应式导航控制层的导航策略。

    A strategy based on global planning layer , local path optimizing layer and reactive navigation controlling layer is presented for indoor mobile robot navigation .

  10. 多路径软件层可以使用冗余路径交付性能增强,比如动态负载平衡、传输监控、自动路径管理和动态重配置。

    Multipath software layers can use redundant paths to deliver performance enhancements such as as dynamic load balancing , traffic shaping , automatic path management , and dynamic reconfiguration .

  11. 该系统主要包括两大核心部分:一是车辆路径优化层,该层应用蚁群算法对每辆配送车辆进行计算,得到该车到达配送目的地的最优路径及其时间;

    This system includes two key parts : one is the Vehicle Routing optimization layer , which calculates out the best route to the transportation destination for each vehicle by applying Ant Colony Algorithm , and the layer also calculates the shortest time to the destination ;

  12. 诊断台风异常路径的三层权重控制点方案

    Experiment on diagnosing anomalous track of typhoon using a scheme of control point at three levels

  13. 层状介质中地震波传播路径与各层介质的速度、界面产状及射线初始方向有关。

    The seismic wave path in layered medium is related to the velocity in layers and the occurrence of subsurfaces , it is related to the initial orientation of the rays also .

  14. AOMDV-LB路由协议引入因子α来平衡路径中间节点MAC层接口队列平均分组个数和路由控制分组往返时间对路径优先级计算的影响。

    The factor a is used to balance the effect of the average interface queue length in MAC layer of the intermediate nodes of the path and the round-trip time of the routing control packets on the computation of priorities .

  15. 在此基础上第三章重点从政策目标、政策工具和政策实施的路径这三个层面对对口援疆政策进行解读。

    Based on this chapter the focus from policy objectives , policy instruments and policy implementation paths these three levels of counterparts support Xinjiang policy interpretation .

  16. 针对多目标优化问题,应用免疫遗传算法的基本思想,提出了一种求解满足带宽-时延约束多组播路径问题的两层遗传算法。

    To solve the problem of Multi-objective optimization , This paper proposed genetic algorithms to solve the problem , an algorithm with two genetic modules are represented .

  17. 而其中最重要的制约因素就是信息传播网络的“短路”,农民的“话语”无法通过有效的传播路径到达政治决策层,从而也就无法影响政策制定,满足利益需求。

    Farmers'ideas have no access to political decision-makers through effective communication channels , thus they are unable to influence policy making , nor meet their interests and needs .

  18. 按照协调问题的产生、识别、协调工具的组织、配置与应用这一路径构建了中间层组织的治理实施框架。该框架由协调问题的识别机制和协调结构两部分组成。

    Along the path of occurrence and identification of coordination problem , and the way of organizing , configuration and application of various coordination tools , a framework of governance implementation of intermediate organizations wae constructed , which is composed of coordination problem identification and coordination structure .

  19. 输送水汽的路径主要有中层西南路径、中低层偏南路径以及东南路径。

    The route of transporting vapor mainly includes middle-level southwest path , southerly middle-low-level path and southeast path .

  20. 针对该类环境的特点,路径规划分为两个层次:第一层是全局路径规划层,该层主要功能是在静态全局环境中为机器人规划出一条满足优化条件的全局路径。

    The solution can be divided into two levels : the global path-planning level and the local path-planning level . The main purpose of the first level is to lay out a global path in the static global environment which satisfies the optimal condition .