
  • 网络cross-cultural integration
  1. 识别和建立有效的跨文化整合模型成为企业实施跨文化管理的前提条件和基础。

    How to identify and constitute cross-cultural integration model has become the groundwork for implementing cross-cultural management .

  2. 致力于开拓国际市场的中国企业,要在跨文化营销理论的指导下,借鉴跨国公司的成功经验,积极探索自身的跨文化整合途径,提高企业在国际市场上的竞争力。

    These enterprises should try to explore ways of their cross-cultural integration to improve their competitiveness in the international market by adopting the cross-cultural marketing theories and successful experience from multinational companies overseas .

  3. 跨国公司人力资源的跨文化整合模式研究

    The Mode of Cross-culture Human Resource Integration for Multinational Corporation

  4. 烟台铁姆肯有限公司跨文化整合战略

    Managing Cross-Culture through Strategy Integration in YANTAI TIMKEN LTD

  5. 基于层次分析法的价值管理&平衡记分卡和经济增加值整合战略管理应用烟台铁姆肯有限公司跨文化整合战略

    The Value Management Based on AHP ── Strategic Management of Integrating BSC and EVA Managing Cross-Culture through Strategy Integration in YANTAI TIMKEN LTD

  6. 但是,十余年来中国企业的直接投资也引发一些新问题,过分注重短期利益、掠夺式开发、无序竞争和不注重跨文化整合。

    However , some serious problems have been aroused such as short-term profit intention , robbing style exploration , disordering competition and neglect of multi-culture convergence .

  7. 前三章分别介绍了本文的研究方法和结构框架,以及国内外学者对相关问题的研究成果,指出了企业在跨文化整合中所存在的问题。

    The first three chapters introduce the research methods , outlines , research outputs of scholars from home and abroad , and present problems in cultural integration respectively .

  8. 跨文化的人事整合将是一个难点;戴姆勒(Daimler)旗下克莱斯勒(Chrysler)的惨败显示出达成这些目标有多难。

    A multicultural personnel integration would be difficult ; Daimler 's Chrysler fiasco shows how tough these projects can be .

  9. 高职英语教学与跨文化知识的整合

    On Integrating Culture into English Teaching in Vocational College

  10. 第四章分析了本土零售业跨区域并购中文化整合的困难、整合现状和问题。

    Chapter ⅳ analyses the difficulties , situation of local retail business merging .

  11. 美学:走向跨文化的对话与整合

    Aesthetics : Marching into Cross - cultural Dialogue and Cooperation Cross - Cultural Differences