
  • 网络platform;cross platform;Cross-platform;Linux;windows,linux
  1. JAVA是一种真正的跨平台的开发环境,提供支持XML的数据接口。

    JAVA is a real cross platform development environment and provides the XML supported interface .

  2. GIS跨平台技术已经成为当前GIS业界研究的一个重点和发展方向。

    Nowadays the cross platform technology of GIS has been a focus of research in GIS field .

  3. 跨平台的变电站监控信息Web发布系统的设计与实现

    Design and Implementation of Cross-Platform Substation Supervisory Control Information Publishing System

  4. WebServices在跨平台数据交换中的应用

    The application of Web services in exchanging data through deferent developing flat

  5. 基于WEBService的跨平台数据库存取模型实例分析

    Web-Service-Based Cross-platform Database Model Analysis in An Example

  6. 可以建立安全、跨平台的Web应用程序。

    Can establish a secure , cross-platform Web applications .

  7. WEB制作中的跨平台技术研究

    The Research of Cross-Platform in Web Design

  8. Web服务的跨平台特性为各种异构教学资源的集成提供了很好的支持。

    The across-platform feature of web services provides great support for the heterogeneous teaching resources .

  9. 基于XML的跨平台移动服务系统研究

    A study of the mobile Web service system based on XML

  10. 既要实现WebServices安全的服务,又必须保证WebServices的开放性和跨平台性,是解决WebServices安全问题的一个根本目标。

    Providing secure services and insuring the interoperability is an essential aim for web services security .

  11. 您将找到关于交付跨平台Web及面向服务的应用程序的技术资源和最佳实践。

    You will find technical resources and best practices for delivering cross-platform Web and service-oriented applications .

  12. 采用Java技术,具有跨平台特点。

    Adopting JAVA technology enables it has cross - platform feature .

  13. 由于WEBService技术具有跨平台性,使人力资源系统更具有通用性。

    Since Web service has the across platform , this enable the human resources system to have the versatility .

  14. 跨平台集成开发配电网络GIS的研究与实现

    Research and implementation of integrated cross-platform development of GIS in distribution network

  15. Web服务技术利用XML语言做为基础,实现了跨平台,跨数据库之间的松散耦合。

    Web Services use XML as foundation language to realize loosely coupling different databases and OSs .

  16. 基于Java和XML跨平台数据迁移的设计与实现

    Design and Implementation of Platform - cross Data Migration Based on Java and XML

  17. Web服务是近年来发展迅速的一种分布式计算技术,能够实现跨平台、跨技术地互操作。

    Web service is a booming distributed computing technology that enables cross-platform , cross-programming language interoperability in recent years .

  18. 从平台GIS到跨平台互操作GIS的发展

    Development from Platform GIS to Cross-Platform Interoperable GIS

  19. 基于XML的IP智能测控系统跨平台思想的实现

    Study on crossing platform idea for IP intelligent measuring and control system based on XML

  20. WEBService技术,以其跨平台性、自描述性、模块化、跨防火墙的优点,在互联网领域迅速发展。

    Web service , with the advantage of cross-platform , self-description , modularization , and cross-firewall , is growing rapidly on Internet .

  21. 新一代GPS终端的跨平台设计趋势

    Multi-platform design of new generation of GPS terminal

  22. 在这种情况下,就可以在具有良好跨平台性和互操作性的Web服务框架上实现计算资源的共享。

    Under such a circumstance , computing resource sharing can be achieved on the foundation of portable and interoperable Web Services infrastructure .

  23. Web服务作为Internet的下一个革命性进步,具有支持跨平台、跨语言开发及支持面向服务的应用集成等特点。

    Web services is a new and emerging Internet technology , which supports cross-platform application , cross-language development and service oriented application integration .

  24. 它采用XML绑定来实现,提供了一个统一的描述规范,具有跨平台特性,同时具有可扩展特性。

    This model is implemented by XML binding and provides a united description standard which is platform-independent and extensible .

  25. 用SOAP实现跨平台的组件的协作和重用

    Implement interoperability and reuse of cross-platform components using soap

  26. Java语言的跨平台特性使它依然是互联网舞台上的主力军。

    The cross-platform feature of Java language guarantees Java is still the main force in the Internet arena .

  27. 由于Java的跨平台性,使该系统具有很好的兼容性和扩展性。

    Because Java is platform-independent , the Web Mail system has good compatibility and expandability with other platform .

  28. CORBA作为分布式对象的重要标准,其跨平台、独立于语言、良好的稳定性以及较高的效率,使其成为构建分布式系统的一个较好的解决方案。

    CORBA is one of important standards in distribute object technology .

  29. 因此,本文选择支持跨平台、开放性、可组合和屏蔽数据源异构的基WEBService的数据集成方案。

    Under the analysis , the paper puts forward a new open integration solution of supporting cross-platform and shielding heterogeneous data sources based on Web Service .

  30. NET平台的Delphi7Studio进行软件系统开发的几种新技术,使用这些技术可以实现优秀的企业级解决方案,并可以实现跨平台开发。

    NET , software development technologies . With Delphi 7 Studio , developers can create excellent enterprise solution that is cross-platform .