
  • 网络interdisciplinary approach;transdisciplinary approach
  1. 在研究方面,凯勒教授认为,跨学科方法至关重要&而她所受的教育使她具备了上述不同学科的渊博知识。

    When it comes to research , Prof Keller believes the interdisciplinary approach is crucial – and her education has left her with a wide knowledge of these different disciplines .

  2. 本文拟采取跨学科方法,结合翻译政治学、翻译社会学和翻译心理学,以期对第三世界译者提供借鉴。

    This thesis adopts an interdisciplinary approach which combines useful insights from translation politics , translation sociology and translation psychology , with a view to providing some guidelines for translators in the Third World Countries .

  3. 在梁启超身后,跨学科方法一直静静流淌并最终汇成三四十年代的史学洪流。

    After Liang Qichao , interdisciplinary research existed in the history study until it became stronger and stronger .

  4. 当然,任何一种方法都会有正反两方面的作用,跨学科方法也有其局限性并面临着挑战。

    Of course , any method has positive and negative effects , interdisciplinary research has also localization and faces some challenge .

  5. 运用跨学科方法进行文学批评是王国维文学批评的现代性特征之一。

    It is one of wang guowei 's literature critic modernity to study literature with the methods of literature critic multi-subject .

  6. 其中他倡导的跨学科方法在中国近现代史学史上有推波助澜的作用。

    Among these , he called on interdisciplinary research and it added fuel to the fire to the Chinese modern historiography .

  7. 尤其是他倡导援用西方社会学、经济学、心理学及统计学等学科进行历史研究的跨学科方法,在国内产生广泛影响。

    Especially he proposed to use the Occident sociology , economics , psychology and statistics for inference into history study produced good results .

  8. 此外,还运用了哲学美学、文学心理学、文学历史学等跨学科方法研究一切文学现象。

    He also conducts inter-disciplinary studies of all literary phenomena in perspectives of philosophical aesthetics , literary psychology , literary history researches and others .

  9. 该机构是伦敦国际发展中心的一个项目。伦敦国际发展中心是伦敦大学的一个应用跨学科方法解决复杂发展问题的协作体。

    The agency is an initiative of the London International Development Centre , a University of London consortium that applies interdisciplinary approaches to complex development problems .

  10. 在跨学科方法中,除了自然科学和社会科学方法之外,还应对人文学科的方法给予特别的重视。

    In the cross subject method , particular emphasis should be placed on the method of humanities as well as on methods of physical science and social science .

  11. 在族源研究中引入跨学科研究方法存在着一些误区,首先是DNA检测的样本选取不当;

    There are some fallacies in the application of inter-discipline method in the research on ethnic origins . First , the sample of DNA selection is not proper .

  12. 跨学科研究方法的形成机制研究

    Forming Mechanisms of Interdisciplinary Research Methods

  13. 与纯经济分析相比,跨学科研究方法无疑有助于在广阔的制度背景下,提供更全面系统、更有洞见的分析结论。

    Compared with simple economic analysis , multi-discipline integrating helps to offer more systemic and more convictive result .

  14. 解决这些问题就需要一个联系数学、物理、地理和化学的的跨学科的方法。

    These problems require an interdisciplinary approach that links the disciplines of mathematics , physics , geology , and chemistry .

  15. 本文以跨学科的方法,较为系统地考察了清代西部宗教立法的基本原则、法律形式等法律问题,共分六章。

    This article studies systematically the basic principles of the legislation on the religions , legal forms and other legal issues .

  16. 要积极用多学科甚至跨学科的方法来为人才培养创造有利的环境。

    The ideological and political education should positively bring to bear the multi-disciplinary even cross-disciplinary method to raise creative environment for talented-person .

  17. 斯洛曼认为,凡是涉及到心灵过程方面的研究,不用跨学科的方法对其进行研究是不行的。

    Sloman believes that all related to the study of psychic processes , without an interdisciplinary approach to study it is not enough .

  18. 主要采用了多学科、跨学科研究方法,文献分析法,间接实证分析法,必要的发展分析法等方法。

    The ways and methods include multi-discipline and trans-discipline research , literature analysis , indirect - " demonstration " analysis , necessary development analysis , ets .

  19. 在论文写作过程中,主要运用文献研究法、系统研究法、跨学科研究方法和调查研究方法。

    In the paper writing process , the main research method to use literature , systematic research methods , interdisciplinary research methods and survey research methodologies .

  20. 加强中国古代城市史的研究应在五个方面给予更多的关注:重视综合的、系统的宏观研究;多学科参与和跨学科研究方法的运用;

    For strengthening the research , Chinese ancient urban history should pay more concerns on five aspects : the macroscopic research and the comprehensive system research ;

  21. 文章以“小句中枢理论”与“搭配理论”为背景,综合运用了“两个三角”研究方法、搭配研究方法、统计手段以及聚类分析等多种跨学科研究方法。

    Based on the Theory of Clausal Pivot and the Collocation Theory , the use and distribution of the relation markers of compound sentences are studied in this paper .

  22. 现代教育技术,顾名思义,是现代教育与现代技术的组合,是运用整体论思想和跨学科的方法,采用科学技术来提高人们的学习效果和改进人们的工作绩效的一种创新实践。

    Modern Educational Technology , as the term suggests , means a combination of Modern Education and Technology . It is an application of the idea of holism and interdiscipline .

  23. 运用社会生态学、经济伦理学和人口经济学等跨学科研究方法,揭示了人口环境系统的特征、动因及其容量。

    With the application of social ecology , economic ethics , demographical economics , this paper shows the characteristics , dynamics and capacity of the system involving population and environment .

  24. 本文通过对中医文化中关于身体认识的梳理和探究,通过比较和跨学科的方法,重新思考美学思想和身体认知间的关系。

    By organizing and exploring the body view of TCM ( traditional Chinese medicine ) culture , and by comparing and interdisciplinary approach , the thesis rethinks the relationship between aesthetics ideology and body cognition .

  25. 近年来,跨学科研究方法正日益引起高等教育理论界和实践界的关注,并逐渐成为高等教育学学科建设研究的独特而重要的方法。

    Recently years , interdisciplinary studies are increasingly attended by researchers and practicers of higher education , and gradually became the especial , important method of the disciplinary construction research of the pedagogy of higher education .

  26. 本文基于跨学科研究方法,将文学创作和理论形态结合起来进行研究,重点阐述了审美主义在19世纪中后期以来西方文学中的种种复杂表征和流变现象。

    Based on the method of interdisciplinary studies , this article unites literature creation with theory and focuses on the complex features and flowing phenomena of the post 19 ~ ( th ) century west literature mainly .

  27. 本文拟采取归纳法、比较法和跨学科研究方法,以哲学、文化学理论与艺术设计理论进行互动、互证。

    This article plans to adopt the induction , the comparison test and the interdiscipline research technique , by the philosophy , the cultural science theory and the art layout theory carries on the interaction , to prove mutually .

  28. 本文是在田野调查和资料文献研究的基础上,采用对比语言学、文化语言学及其他跨学科理论方法,来对汉语谚语和泰语谚语进行考察和研究。

    On the basis of fieldwork and the historical documentary research , this paper adopts the methods of contrastive linguistics , cultural linguistics and other across-subject theory , which have been brought together to investigate and research Han proverbs and Thai proverbs .

  29. 然而现在,这种跨学科的分析方法似乎正合时宜。

    Now , however , this interdisciplinary approach looks timely .

  30. 因此,文章呼吁翻译研究应借鉴跨学科的研究方法。

    Therefore , the interdisciplinary approach is highly necessary in translation research .