
  1. 跨国公司组织结构网络化研究

    A Study on the Multinational Corporations Organizational Structures Network

  2. 电子商务与跨国公司组织结构创新

    E-Commerce and MNC Organizational Innovation

  3. 跨国公司组织结构的设计与构造,总是随着社会经济和科学技术的不断发展而产生适应性的变化。

    Designing and Construction of the organizational structure of multinational companies always change adaptively with the socio-economic and scientific and technological development .

  4. 其次,分析了决定和影响跨国公司组织结构的因素,对传统跨国公司的组织结构模式进行比较研究。

    Second , factors deciding and influencing organizational structure of MNCs are considered and traditional MNCs organizational structure models are compared to each other .

  5. 把一体化网络组织作为一种全新的管理思想提出,研究提出了跨国公司组织结构发展方向的命题。

    A brand new management idea of integrated network organizational structure is brought out , and this research takes the direction of organizational structure of MNCs as a proposition .

  6. 跨国公司网络组织结构与知识流动机制研究

    Research on MNCs ' Network Organizations and Knowledge Flow Mechanisms

  7. 跨国公司空间组织结构浅析

    An Approach to the Spatially Organizational Structure of Transnational Corporations

  8. 跨国公司网络组织结构中的知识流动已成为跨国公司赢得竞争优势的关键。

    MNCs ' network organization structure and knowledge flows have become important resources of MNCs gaining competition advantages .

  9. 世界经济一体化和控烟运动的高涨加速了跨国烟草公司组织结构调整和全球性扩张。

    The surging upward of the world economics integration and the smoking control movement has accelerated the organizational structure adjustment and global expansion of the transnational tobacco company .

  10. 跨国公司本身组织结构的复杂性、跨国公司环境侵权的特殊性和国家之间利益的博弈等因素都让管辖权问题更加错综复杂,管辖权争议在所难免。

    Many factors made the jurisdictional issues more comprehensive , such as the complexity of the multinational organizational structure 、 the competing interests between countries and the particularity of environmental infringement .

  11. 本文通过对跨国公司网络组织结构的分析,建立一个系统的跨国公司内外部网络知识流动框架,进而说明网络组织结构为跨国公司跨国界的知识整合提供了组织优势。

    Through the analysis of MNCs ' network organization , this study aims to establish a systematic framework of MNCs ' internal and external network knowledge flows , and network organizations provide organizational superiority for the MNCs ' cross-border integration of the knowledge .

  12. 本章首先对网络理论及跨国公司的网络组织结构进行了分析,将跨国公司子公司所处的网络分为内部网络及外部网络;

    In chapter 3 , we give a deep theoretical analysis of network theory and network organization of MNC .

  13. 第三部分重点介绍了经济全球化背景下,跨国人力资源管理的人力资源战略、跨国公司的组织结构创新和以服务为导向的人力资源管理以及跨文化管理。

    In part III , it presents , under the background of economic globalization , human resources stratagem of international HRM , the structural reformation of international enterprises , service-oriented HRM and cross-cultural management .